


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC697CHS750 | 后置 I/O 机架 用于将端子牢固地固定到位

系列  :90-70系列

零件编号: IC697CHS750

描述:后置 I/O 机架

当前:20 安培

电压 :5 伏直流电




IC697CHS750  |   后置 I/O 机架   用于将端子牢固地固定到位


系列 :90-70系列

零件编号: IC697CHS750

描述:后置 I/O 机架

当前:20 安培

电压 :5 伏直流电


IC697CHS750机架是GE Fanuc制造的I/O机架。它将GE 90-70 PLC系列产品线中的不同组件和模块连接在一起。它配备了 5 个插槽,并具有后部安装机构。机架有一个开放式外壳,仅适合室内使用。它可以很容易地安装在工厂车间。连接在 5 个插槽中的组件可以在模块位置的左侧拥有自己的独立电源。机架体积小巧,重约 2 公斤。它的尺寸为高 11.15 英寸、宽 12.60 英寸和深 7.5 英寸。机架的外壳深 254 毫米。IC697CHS750架使用气流来防止过热。对于对流冷却,不应阻碍 I/O 机架和最近的出风口之间的气流。

GE Fanuc 系列 90-70 IC697CHS750 I/O 机架的额定电流为 20 安培。它以 5 伏直流电的电压电源运行。机架支持其他附件,包括在安装过程中有用的背板 J2 跳线套件。机架配有可拆卸接线端子,可通过铰链门进入。连接到机架的电缆穿过铰链门的底部。机架侧面有一个 I/O 端子约束带,用于将端子牢固地固定到位。电源连接器与垫片一起位于机架内部。通过使用接地措施可以消除系统噪声。


Series :90-70 series

Part number: IC697CHS750

Description: Rear I/O rack

Current :20 amps

Voltage :5 volts DC

Slot :5

The IC697CHS750 rack is an I/O rack manufactured by GE Fanuc. It connects different components and modules in the GE 90-70 PLC family product line. It is equipped with 5 slots and has a rear mounting mechanism. The rack has an open housing and is suitable for indoor use only. It can be easily installed on the factory floor. Components connected in 5 slots can have their own independent power supply on the left side of the module location. The frame is small and weighs about 2 kg. Its dimensions are 11.15 inches high, 12.60 inches wide and 7.5 inches deep. The housing of the frame is 254 mm deep. The IC697CHS750 uses airflow to prevent overheating. For convection cooling, the airflow between the I/O frame and the nearest outlet should not be obstructed.

GE Fanuc Series 90-70 IC697CHS750 I/O racks are rated for 20 amps. It operates on a voltage supply of 5 volts direct current. The rack supports other accessories, including a backplane J2 jumper kit that is useful during installation. The rack is equipped with detachable terminals and can be accessed through hinged doors. Cables connected to the rack run through the bottom of the hinged door. There is an I/O terminal restraint band on the side of the rack to hold the terminals firmly in place. The power connector is located inside the rack along with the gasket. System noise can be eliminated by using grounding measures.


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