


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC693CPU364 | 单插槽中央处理器 CPU364 具有基于固件的浮点数学运算

品牌 :GE发那科

产品类型 :CPU模块

兼容性 :GE Fanuc 90-30 PLC


集成以太网: 是的

以太网接口: AAUI 或 10BaseT



IC693CPU364  |  单插槽中央处理器  CPU364 具有基于固件的浮点数学运算


品牌 :GE发那科

产品类型 :CPU模块

兼容性 :GE Fanuc 90-30 PLC


集成以太网: 是的

以太网接口: AAUI 或 10BaseT


IC693CPU364是一个单插槽中央处理器(来自GE Fanuc系列90-30),带有嵌入式以太网线和1个内置串行端口。该单元是 PLC 的“大脑”,也是大多数计算发生的地方。请参阅IC693CPU364网站页面上的本机规格。IC693CPU364的标准应用是通过IC693CBL316将计算机的 9 针串行端口连接到IC693CPU364的标准以太网接口。需要注意的是,IC693CPU364的以太网接口是以太网全局数据(EGD)。这种内置以太网接口的好处是,您不需要在设备上使用单独的以太网模块,例如 CMM321。事实上,您可以根据 IC693CPU364 上以太网端口的内置特性来保存 PLC 插槽。

EGD 还允许 CPU364 处理 HHP 配置模式无法做到的专用参数。与 CMM321 不同,CPU364 不需要外部收发器。CPU364 有一个内置收发器,可以通过 10BASE-T 端口连接。不过,CPU364确实提供了一些附加功能,可以添加外部收发器。这可以通过绕过内部收发器的 AAUI 端口来完成。内置以太网接口的另一个好处是,它可以在不使用 PLC 背板的情况下进行通信,从而产生比单独的 CPU 和以太网模块更快的通信速度。关于IC693CPU364需要注意的一些基本事项是,使用 CPU364 时,您必须在安装它的插槽处连接到框架接地。您可以在设备上找到用于此用途的接地线。

CPU364 使用闪存固件标准,没有 EPROM,也没有 EEPROM。IC693CPU364 的额定电流为 1A,使用 GE Fanuc Fuse 44A725214–001。CPU364 的最大 CPU 容量为 25 MHz,使用 80386EX 处理器。有 2048 个输入点,2048 个输出点。寄存器存储器可在 128 至 32640 字之间配置。CPU364 具有基于固件的浮点数学运算。

在固件版本 9.1 中,CPU364 添加了 EGD 和可配置的名称解析功能。CPU364 有四个 LED 灯、一个以太网重启按钮、一个标准 CPU 按键开关、三个端口连接器和一个屏蔽接地连接片。四个 LED 指示灯与以太网接口和 PS 端口有关。其中三个指示灯用于以太网:EOK、LAN 和 STAT,1 个指示灯用于 PS 端口。以太网重启按钮有四种用途:






Brand: GE Fanuc

Product type: CPU module

Compatibility: GE Fanuc 90-30 PLC

Microprocessor: 80386EX

Integrated Ethernet: Yes

Ethernet interface: AAUI or 10BaseT

Product description

The IC693CPU364 is a single socket CPU (from GE Fanuc Series 90-30) with an embedded Ethernet cable and a built-in serial port. This unit is the "brain" of the PLC and is where most calculations take place. See the unit specifications on the IC693CPU364 website page. The standard application of IC693CPU364 is to connect the 9-pin serial port of the computer to the standard Ethernet interface of IC693CPU364 through IC693CBL316. Note that the Ethernet interface of the IC693CPU364 is Ethernet Global Data (EGD). The benefit of this built-in Ethernet interface is that you do not need to use a separate Ethernet module on your device, such as the CMM321. In fact, you can save the PLC slot according to the built-in features of the Ethernet port on the IC693CPU364.

EGD also allows the CPU364 to handle specialized parameters that the HHP configuration mode cannot. Unlike the CMM321, the CPU364 does not require an external transceiver. The CPU364 has a built-in transceiver that can be connected via a 10BASE-T port. However, the CPU364 does offer some additional features that allow you to add an external transceiver. This can be done by bypassing the AAUI port of the internal transceiver. Another benefit of the built-in Ethernet interface is that it can communicate without the use of a PLC backplane, resulting in faster communication speeds than a separate CPU and Ethernet module. Some basic things to note about the IC693CPU364 is that when using the CPU364, you must connect to the frame ground at the slot where it is installed. You can find a ground cable on the device for this purpose.

The CPU364 uses the flash firmware standard and has neither EPROM nor EEPROM. The IC693CPU364 is rated at 1A and uses GE Fanuc Fuse 44A725214-001. The CPU364 has a maximum CPU capacity of 25 MHz and uses an 80386EX processor. There are 2048 input points, 2048 output points. Register memory can be configured between 128 and 32640 words. The CPU364 has firmware based floating point math.

In firmware version 9.1, CPU364 added EGD and configurable name resolution. The CPU364 has four LED lights, an Ethernet restart button, a standard CPU key switch, three port connectors, and a shielded ground strip. The four LED indicators are related to the Ethernet port and PS port. Three indicators are for Ethernet: EOK, LAN, and STAT, and one indicator is for the PS port. The Ethernet restart button has four uses:

LED test


Restart and enter the software loading state

Restart and enter the maintenance state


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