


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC200ALG240 | 模拟量输入模块 | 具有用户输入到逻辑隔离

GE Fanuc IC200ALG240 模块是一款具有 8 个通道的 Versamax 模拟输入模块。它设计用于商业或工业自动化应用中的完整 Versamax I/O 或 PLC 系统的一部分。IC200ALG240模拟量输入模块是一种智能输入模块,可以接受来自多达 8 种不同模拟设备的输入。它还可以提供 16 位输入数据。它没有组间隔离,因为它的 8 个输入都排列在 1 组中,但它具有额定值为 250 伏交流电连续和 1500 伏交流电长达 1 分钟的通道间隔离,并且它具有用户输入到逻辑隔离或用户输入到帧接地隔离,额定电压也为 250 伏交流连续和 1500 伏交流电,最多 1分钟。



IC200ALG240  | 模拟量输入模块 |  具有用户输入到逻辑隔离


制造者: GE发那科

系列 :万能

零件编号: IC200ALG240

产品类型: 模拟量输入模块

输入数量 :8

GE Fanuc IC200ALG240 模块是一款具有 8 个通道的 Versamax 模拟输入模块。它设计用于商业或工业自动化应用中的完整 Versamax I/O 或 PLC 系统的一部分。IC200ALG240模拟量输入模块是一种智能输入模块,可以接受来自多达 8 种不同模拟设备的输入。它还可以提供 16 位输入数据。它没有组间隔离,因为它的 8 个输入都排列在 1 组中,但它具有额定值为 250 伏交流电连续和 1500 伏交流电长达 1 分钟的通道间隔离,并且它具有用户输入到逻辑隔离或用户输入到帧接地隔离,额定电压也为 250 伏交流连续和 1500 伏交流电,最多 1分钟。

该IC200ALG240由GE智能平台制造,是VersaMax模拟输入模块。 该模块能够处理来自最多 8 个模拟设备的输入信号,并以 16 位的分辨率提供数据输出。IC200ALG240有两种工作模式:电压模式和电流模式。在电压模式下,输入范围为 1 至 20 毫安。在电流模式下,输入范围为 +/- 10 伏。

该模块具有 8 个隔离输入通道,每个通道的电流范围为 4 至 20 毫安。该器件的其他功能包括检测明线的能力、16 位的转换器分辨率和精确的工厂校准。IC200ALG240的某些功能也可以通过软件进行配置和更改,例如更改单个通道的警报级别、更改单个通道的默认值以及缩放单个通道。通道数据的更新速率在50Hz滤波频率下为20mS,在60Hz滤波频率下为16.7mS。


Manufacturer: GE Fanuc

Series: Universal

Part number: IC200ALG240

Product type: Analog input module

Input quantity: 8

The GE Fanuc IC200ALG240 module is a Versamax analog input module with 8 channels. It is designed to be used as part of a complete Versamax I/O or PLC system in commercial or industrial automation applications. The IC200ALG240 analog input module is an intelligent input module that can accept input from up to 8 different analog devices. It can also provide 16-bit input data. It does not have inter-group isolation because its 8 inputs are all arranged in 1 group, but it has inter-channel isolation rated at 250 volts AC continuous and 1500 volts AC for up to 1 minute, and it has user input to logical isolation or user input to frame ground isolation. Rated voltages are also 250 V AC continuous and 1500 V AC for up to 1 minute.

The IC200ALG240, manufactured by GE Intelligent Platform, is a VersaMax analog input module. The module is capable of processing input signals from up to eight analog devices and providing data output at a resolution of 16 bits. The IC200ALG240 operates in two modes: voltage mode and current mode. In voltage mode, the input range is 1 to 20 mA. In current mode, the input range is +/- 10 volts.

The module has eight isolated input channels, each with a current range of 4 to 20 mA. Additional features of the device include the ability to detect bright lines, 16-bit converter resolution, and precise factory calibration. Some features of IC200ALG240 can also be configured and changed through software, such as changing the alert level of a single channel, changing the default values of a single channel, and scaling a single channel. The update rate of channel data is 20mS at 50Hz filter frequency and 16.7mS at 60Hz filter frequency.


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