


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider


系列: 马克五世

零件编号: DS200ACNAG1ADD

功能描述 :ARCNET连接卡

功能首字母缩略词: ACNA系列

PCB涂层: 普通涂层





系列: 马克五世

零件编号: DS200ACNAG1ADD

功能描述 :ARCNET连接卡

功能首字母缩略词: ACNA系列

PCB涂层: 普通涂层


DS200ACNAG1ADD是通用电气为其Mark V系列制造的ARCNET(附加资源计算机网络)卡。Mark V 是 GE 成功的 Speedtronic 燃气/蒸汽轮机管理系统系列的一部分。自 1960 年代以来,该系列一直在管理重型涡轮机系统,GE 在技术允许的情况下开发了更可靠、更先进的系统。Mark V 在所有关键控制和保护参数上都具有三重冗余备份,并包括内置诊断和在线维护等功能。虽然这款DS200ACNAG1ADD产品本身可以定义为 ARCNET 卡,但最初开发的 Mark V 系列中具有该功能的产品将是缺少该DS200ACNAG1ADD产品的三个重要修订版的DS200ACNAG1母印刷电路板。


DS200ACNAG1ADD卡为MKV系统内的ARCNET LAN通信提供连接点。由于其更大的 Mark V 涡轮机控制系统系列自动驱动组件中的这一特定预期功能,该DS200ACNAG1ADD产品需要自己的一系列功能引入硬件组件和组件规格。DS200ACNAG1ADD板信号在主处理器板 (LDCC) 之间的路径上通过 ARCNET 板传输到涡轮机控制操作员界面,然后再返回。这些信号通过同轴电缆传输。DS200ACNAG1ADD是一个元件很少的小电路板。该板有四个金属膜电阻器(R1 到 R4)、三个电容器(C1 到 C3)和一个二极管。位于电路板两侧的两个工厂钻孔在其开口处插入了金属垫圈。这两个开口标记为 GND1/GND2。两个继电器位于电路板的底部边缘附近。两个继电器的顶面都包含继电器图。继电器图是允许继电器运行的继电器逻辑的可视化表示。DS200ACNAG1ADD有三个通信设备。这包括一个垂直引脚端子连接器,该连接器具有六个引脚,位于电路板的正中央,以及两个BNC插头(直角,母头),其开口位于电路板的顶部边缘。这些插头将接受 LAN 同轴电缆。


Series Mark V

Part number DS200ACNAG1ADD

Function Description ARCNET connection card

Functional acronym ACNA series

PCB coating Common coating

Feature revision 1 One

Functional revision 2 D

Artwork modification D

Product description

The DS200ACNAG1ADD is an ARCNET (Attached Resource Computer Network) card manufactured by General Electric for its Mark V series. The Mark V is part of GE's successful Speedtronic line of gas/steam turbine management systems. The family has been managing heavy-duty turbine systems since the 1960s, and GE has developed more reliable and advanced systems where technology allows. The Mark V has triple redundant backup on all critical control and protection parameters and includes features such as built-in diagnostics and online maintenance. Although the DS200ACNAG1ADD product itself could be defined as an ARCNET card, the product with this feature in the initially developed Mark V series would be a DS200ACNAG1 master printed circuit board missing three significant revisions of the DS200ACNAG1ADD product.

Hardware tips and specifications

The DS200ACNAG1ADD card provides a connection point for ARCNET LAN communications within the MKV system. Due to this specific expected function in its larger Mark V turbine control system family of automatic drive components, the DS200ACNAG1ADD product required its own set of features introduced into hardware components and component specifications. The DS200ACNAG1ADD board signal is transmitted through the ARCNET board on the path between the main processor boards (LDCC) to the turbine control operator interface and back again. These signals are transmitted over coaxial cables. The DS200ACNAG1ADD is a small circuit board with few components. The board has four metal film resistors (R1 to R4), three capacitors (C1 to C3), and a diode. Two factory holes on either side of the board inserted metal washers into its openings. The two openings are labeled GND1/GND2. Two relays are located near the bottom edge of the board. The top surfaces of both relays contain relay diagrams. A relay diagram is a visual representation of the relay logic that allows the relay to operate. The DS200ACNAG1ADD has three communication devices. This includes a vertical pin terminal connector with six pins located right in the center of the board, and two BNC plugs (right angles, female heads) with openings located on the top edge of the board. These plugs will accept LAN coaxial cable.


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