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IS215UCVEM09A | 单元控制器板 带有单个插槽的 VME 板


产品编号: IS215UCVEM09A
制造商: General Electric
系列: Mark VI
操作系统: QNX
微处理器: Intel Celeron 300 MHz
编程: 控制块
产品类型: 单元控制器板
可用性: 现货
制造国家/地区: 美国



 IS215UCVEM09A  |   单元控制器板  带有单个插槽的 VME 板



产品编号: IS215UCVEM09A
制造商: General Electric
系列: Mark VI
操作系统: QNX
微处理器: Intel Celeron 300 MHz
编程: 控制块
产品类型: 单元控制器板
可用性: 现货
制造国家/地区: 美国


IS215UCVEM09A是由通用电气制造和设计的标准控制器。它是一款单插槽主板,使用 300 MHz Intel Celeron 处理器,具有 16 MB 闪存和 32 MB DRAM。单个 10BaseT/100BaseTX (RJ-45) 以太网端口提供与工具箱或其他控制设备的连接。控制器安装在 Versa 模块化欧式 (VME) 机架上,并通过 VME 总线与 I/O 板通信。某些主板类型还支持通过 PCI 夹层卡 (PMC) 子板进行本地 I/O。QNX 是一款专为高速、高可靠性工业应用而设计的实时多任务操作系统,可作为控制器操作系统 (OS)。控制系统工具箱用于加载特定于控制器应用程序(工具箱)的软件。三个通信端口允许访问操作员和工程接口。


  • 控制器与蒸汽、天然气、陆陆航改 (LM) 或工厂平衡 (BOP) 产品一起使用的特定软件被放在其上。如果块的收集是正常的,并且块的大小是平均大小的,它每秒最多可以执行 100,000 个梯级或块。
  • 借助外部时钟中断,控制器可以在 100 微秒内与 VCMI 通信板上的时钟同步。VCMI 通信板使用 VME 总线向控制器中的控制系统数据库 (CSDB) 发送和接收外部数据。
  • 来自I/O板的过程输入和输出构成了单工系统中的数据。来自输入板的输入、来自单工板的单一输入、由输出硬件投票的计算输出以及需要在控制器之间交换的内部状态值构成了 TMR 系统中的数据。


  • 该组件与Mark VI控制系统兼容。它是一个带有单个插槽的 VME 板。该控制器具有两个串行 RS-232C 端口、一个以太网端口以及用于键盘或鼠标以及显示器的连接器。该板包括高速处理器、闪存和 DRAM。
  • 该板通过VCMI通信板接收外部数据。根据系统的不同,数据可以通过过程I/O(单工)或投票I/O(TMR.)传送到电路板。


  • 监控端口
  • 键盘/鼠标端口
  • COM1 - 用于初始控制器设置的 RS-232C 端口 COM2 RS-232C 端口用于 Modbus 串行通信
  • ETHERNET 1 - 用于 EGD 通信和 Toolbox 配置的主以太网端口
  • 状态 LED - VMEbus SYSFAIL、闪光活动、电源状态
  • 以太网状态 LED - 活动(闪烁 = 活动)、(常亮 = 非活动)、链路(黄色 = 10BaseT)、(绿色 = 100BaseTX)
  • DLAN COM 20020 控制器 ARCNET 接口


  • COM 20020 ARCNET控制器,BNC 93欧姆,传输速率 - 5 Mbps

  • IS215UCVEH2AF-5.jpg


Product number: IS215UCVEM09A

Manufacturer: General Electric

Series: Mark VI

Operating System: QNX

Microprocessor: Intel Celeron 300 MHz

Programming: Control blocks

Product type: Unit controller board

Availability: In stock

Country of Manufacture: USA

Function description

The IS215UCVEM09A is a standard controller manufactured and designed by General Electric. It is a single-slot motherboard that uses a 300 MHz Intel Celeron processor with 16 MB of flash memory and 32 MB of DRAM. A single 10BaseT/100BaseTX (RJ-45) Ethernet port provides connectivity to the toolbox or other control devices. The controller is mounted on a Versa Modular European (VME) rack and communicates with the I/O board via the VME bus. Some motherboard types also support local I/O via PCI Sandwich card (PMC) daughter boards. QNX is a real-time, multi-tasking operating system designed for high-speed, high-reliability industrial applications and can be used as a controller operating system (OS). The control system toolbox is used to load software specific to the controller application (toolbox). Three communication ports allow access to operator and engineering interfaces.

IS215UCVEM09A operation

Specific software for the controller to be used with steam, natural gas, Land Land navigation modification (LM) or factory Balance (BOP) products is placed on it. If the collection of blocks is normal and the block size is average, it can perform up to 100,000 rungs or blocks per second.

With an external clock interrupt, the controller can synchronize with the clock on the VCMI communication board in 100 microseconds. The VCMI communication board uses the VME bus to send and receive external data to the Control system database (CSDB) in the controller.

The process inputs and outputs from the I/O board make up the data in the simplex system. The input from the input board, the single input from the simplex board, the calculated output voted by the output hardware, and the internal status values that need to be exchanged between controllers make up the data in the TMR system.


This component is compatible with the Mark VI control system. It is a VME board with a single slot. The controller has two serial RS-232C ports, an Ethernet port, and connectors for a keyboard or mouse and a display. The board includes a high-speed processor, flash memory, and DRAM.

The board receives external data through the VCMI communication board. Depending on the system, data can be transferred to the board via process I/O (simplex) or voting I/O (TMR.).

Product component

Monitoring port

Keyboard/mouse port

COM1 - RS-232C port for initial controller setup COM2 RS-232C port for Modbus serial communication

ETHERNET 1 - Primary Ethernet port for EGD communication and Toolbox configuration

Status LED-VMEbus SYSFAIL, flashing activity, power status

Ethernet status LED - Active (blinking = active), (Steady on = inactive), Link (yellow = 10BaseT), (green = 100BaseTX)

DLAN COM 20020 ARCNET interface of the controller

DLAN interface

COM 20020 ARCNET controller, BNC 93 ohms, transfer rate -5 Mbps


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