


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC755CSW07CDA / 快速面板 操作终端


系列 :快速面板

制造者: GE发那科

制造者: 艾默生自动化/GE Fanuc(前身)

产品系列: 快速面板+

产品系列 快速面板+

描述 操作界面终端

产品类型: 操作终端

零件编号/目录号 IC755CSW07CDA

电压 24 伏直流电

产品编号: IC755CSW07CDA

产品类型 人机界面 (HMI)

处理器: 英特尔飞思卡尔 i.MX535 1 GHz ARM Cortex A8



IC755CSW07CDA /  快速面板   操作终端


系列 :快速面板

制造者: GE发那科

制造者: 艾默生自动化/GE Fanuc(前身)

产品系列: 快速面板+

产品系列 快速面板+

描述 操作界面终端

产品类型: 操作终端

零件编号/目录号 IC755CSW07CDA

电压 24 伏直流电

产品编号: IC755CSW07CDA

产品类型 人机界面 (HMI)

处理器: 英特尔飞思卡尔 i.MX535 1 GHz ARM Cortex A8

处理器 基于ARM Cortex A8的飞思卡尔i.MX535 1GHz

GE Fanuc IC755CSW07CDA 终端搭载 ARM A8 皮层处理器,速度为 1 GHz。它能够轻松处理 2D 和 3D 图形。该终端配备了 NEON SIMD 媒体加速器,有助于处理图形密集型流程。另一个 Vector 浮点协处理器也用于处理逻辑运算。终端使用 Windows 7 操作系统与操作员对接。IC755CSW07CDA端子的最大额定功耗为 15 瓦。采用自然对流法来维持终端的温度。不使用时,它可以存放在 -10 到 60 摄氏度之间的温度中。

Model: IC755CSW07CDA

Series: Fast panel

Manufacturer: GE Fanuc

Manufacturer: Emerson Automation /GE Fanuc (predecessor)

Product line: Fast panel +

Product range Fast panel +

Describes the operation terminal

Product type: Operation terminal

Part number/Catalog number IC755CSW07CDA

Voltage 24 volts direct current

Product number: IC755CSW07CDA

Product Type Human Machine Interface (HMI)

Processor: Intel Freescale i.MX535 1 GHz ARM Cortex A8

Processor based on ARM Cortex A8 Freescale i.MX535 1GHz

The GE Fanuc IC755CSW07CDA terminal is powered by an ARM A8 cortex processor at 1 GHz. It can easily handle 2D and 3D graphics. The terminal is equipped with a NEON SIMD media accelerator to help handle graphics-intensive processes. Another Vector floating-point coprocessor is also used to handle logical operations. The terminal uses the Windows 7 operating system to connect to the operator. The IC755CSW07CDA terminal has a maximum rated power consumption of 15 watts. Natural convection is used to maintain the terminal temperature. When not in use, it can be stored at temperatures between -10 and 60 degrees Celsius.


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