


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC697PWR711N | 90-70 系列 电源模块


额定电压: 120/240 VAC 或 125 VDC

输入电压范围: 90 至 264 VAC 或 100 至 150 VDC

输入功率: 满载时 135 瓦

输出功率: 100 瓦

底板上的位置: 最左边的插槽

直流输出: + 5VDC、+12 VDC 和 -12 VDC



IC697PWR711N |  90-70 系列    电源模块



额定电压: 120/240 VAC 或 125 VDC

输入电压范围: 90 至 264 VAC 或 100 至 150 VDC

输入功率: 满载时 135 瓦

输出功率: 100 瓦

底板上的位置: 最左边的插槽

直流输出: + 5VDC、+12 VDC 和 -12 VDC


该IC697PWR711N是 GE Fanuc 为 90-70 系列制造的 100 瓦电源模块。 功能包括 120 VAC、240 VAC 或 125 VDC 运行,并且有三种输出电压(总共 100 瓦),如下所示:+5 VDC 输出高达 20 安培; +12 VDC 输出高达 2 安培; -12 VDC 输出高达 1 安培。其他亮点包括滑入式机架安装结构、电子短路过流保护、单电源双机架操作、交流操作的功率因数校正以及用于过压保护装置的跳线。

IC697PWR711N该模块是机架式的,可直接插入任何标准 IC697 机架或 VME 集成商机架最左侧插槽中的 48 针背板安装连接器。它为背板提供 +5 V、+12 V 和 -12 V 电源以及逻辑电平排序信号。 该IC697PWR711可用于单个机架应用,或者如果总负载在电源额定值范围内,则可以为第二个机架供电。预接线电缆允许与第二个机架互连。电源输出将经历至少一个输入线路周期,满载时输入功率完全损失。针对过流和过压故障情况提供保护。

IC697PWR711N该电源模块可在 120 VAC 或 240 VAC 标称输入下工作。标称 125 VDC 电源也是一种选择。指定的工作范围为 90 VAC 至 264 VAC 和 100 VDC 至 150 VDC。为了在低线路电压和高温下不间断运行(超过一小时),必须施加一些功率降额。


Product Model: IC697PWR711N

Rated voltage: 120/240 VAC or 125 VDC

Input voltage range: 90 to 264 VAC or 100 to 150 VDC

Input power: 135 watts at full load

Output power: 100 watts

Location on the bottom plate: leftmost slot

Dc output: + 5VDC, +12 VDC, and -12 VDC

Product description

The IC697PWR711N is a 100 watt power module manufactured by GE Fanuc for the 90-70 series. Features include 120 VAC, 240 VAC, or 125 VDC operation, and there are three output voltages (100 watts total), as shown below: +5 VDC output up to 20 amps; +12 VDC output up to 2 amps; -12 VDC output up to 1 amp. Other highlights include slide-in rack mount construction, electronic short-circuit overcurrent protection, single-supply two-rack operation, power factor correction for AC operation, and jumpers for overvoltage protection devices.

IC697PWR711N The module is rack-mounted and plugs directly into the 48-pin backplane mount connector in the leftmost slot of any standard IC697 rack or VME integrator rack. It provides +5 V, +12 V, and -12 V power supplies to the backplane, as well as logic level ordering signals. The IC697PWR711 can be used for a single rack application or to power a second rack if the total load is within the power rating range. The pre-wired cable allows interconnection with the second rack. The power supply output will go through at least one input line cycle, and the input power will be completely lost at full load. Provides protection against overcurrent and overvoltage failures.

IC697PWR711N This power module can operate with either 120 VAC or 240 VAC nominal inputs. A nominal 125 VDC power supply is also an option. The specified operating range is 90 VAC to 264 VAC and 100 VDC to 150 VDC. In order to operate uninterrupted (over an hour) at low line voltages and high temperatures, some power derating must be applied.



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