


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC697MDL740E | 分立式输出模块 有助于增强PLC系统并提高机器性能

品牌: GE发那科

系列 :90-70系列

零件编号 :IC697MDL740E

额定电压 24 至 48 伏直流电

输出电流 :每点 2 安培,每组 4 安培

输出电压范围: 20 至 60 伏直流电

所需电流: 0.15 安培



IC697MDL740E  |   分立式输出模块  有助于增强PLC系统并提高机器性能


品牌: GE发那科

系列 :90-70系列

零件编号 :IC697MDL740E

额定电压 24 至 48 伏直流电

输出电流 :每点 2 安培,每组 4 安培

输出电压范围: 20 至 60 伏直流电

所需电流: 0.15 安培

GE Fanuc 分立式输出模块被称为 IC697MDL740E 分立式输出模块,经常与 GE 90-70 系列产品线中的可编程逻辑控制器或 PLC 一起使用。IC697MDL740E分立式输出模块适用于许多GE PLC设备,并且具有广泛的功能,有助于增强PLC系统并提高机器性能。IC697MDL740E输出模块提供 16 个输出,需要 20 至 60 V DC 的电压范围才能运行。输出的指定电流为每点 2 安培或每个输出组 4 安培。该特定模块仅在 2 毫秒内响应,其电压降小于 1 伏。



Brand: GE Fanuc

Series: 90-70 series

Part number: IC697MDL740E

Rated voltage 24 to 48 volts DC

Output current: 2 amps per point, 4 amps per group

Output voltage range: 20 to 60 volts DC

Required current: 0.15 amps

The GE Fanuc discrete output module is called the IC697MDL740E Discrete output module and is often used with programmable logic controllers or PLCS in the GE 90-70 series product line. The IC697MDL740E discrete output module is suitable for many GE PLC devices and has a wide range of features to help enhance PLC systems and improve machine performance. The IC697MDL740E output module offers 16 outputs and requires a voltage range of 20 to 60 V DC to operate. The specified current for the output is 2 amps per point or 4 amps per output group. This particular module responds in only 2 milliseconds, with a voltage drop of less than 1 volt.

The IC697MDL740E discrete output module has some unique advantages over integrated circuits. First of all, the separate circuit can be more convenient to adjust different working point states, especially for the fine tuning of details, can achieve a more perfect, closer to the ideal state of the effect. Secondly, the discrete circuit uses a power tube for amplification, which will be warmer and more infectious in timbre, make the sound more moist, and also better form a large thrust and better drive the equipment.


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