


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC697CHS790D | 9 插槽后置式 IC697 可编程控制器 | 用于 CPU 和 I/O 配置

该IC697CHS790是一款 9 插槽后置式 IC697 可编程控制器,用于 CPU 和 I/O 配置。位于最左侧模块位置的标准 9 插槽机架可以使用一个电源。IC697CHS790机架安装在 10 英寸深的机柜中,通常不需要风扇。机架尺寸为 11.15“ H x 19” W x 7.5“ D,控制器插槽宽度为 1.6” W,电源插槽宽度为 2.4“ W。每个机架都为为 IC697 PLC 创建的



IC697CHS790D  | 9 插槽后置式 IC697 可编程控制器 | 用于 CPU 和 I/O 配置


模块类型: 标准机架

安装位置: 后部(面板)

插槽数量: 9(加电源)

类型: 双倍宽度

尺寸: 11.15 x 19.00 x 7.5 英寸(高 x 宽 x 深)

使用的内部电源: 20 安培 @ 5 VDC


该IC697CHS790是一款 9 插槽后置式 IC697 可编程控制器,用于 CPU 和 I/O 配置。位于最左侧模块位置的标准 9 插槽机架可以使用一个电源。IC697CHS790机架安装在 10 英寸深的机柜中,通常不需要风扇。机架尺寸为 11.15“ H x 19” W x 7.5“ D,控制器插槽宽度为 1.6” W,电源插槽宽度为 2.4“ W。每个机架都为为 IC697 PLC 创建的机架型 I/O 提供插槽感应。 I/O 模块上不需要开关或跳线。


IC697 I/O 模块通过使用钥匙进行互锁,以避免将一种模块类型意外交换为另一种模块类型。每个模块都包括一把钥匙,该钥匙以机械方式锁定在机架的中心导轨上,直到模块被移除为止。如果模块的类型不正确,则无法将其插入该机架插槽。当系统中有多个机架时,必须分配 0-7 的机架号;CPU 机架始终为机架 0。每个机架的数量将由 PLC 从机架背板上的四个跳线中确定。背板位置位于电源的正后方,跳线位于背板上。

Product model: IC697CHS790D

Module type: Standard rack

Installation position: Rear (panel)

Number of slots: 9 (plus power)

Type: Double width

Dimensions: 11.15 x 19.00 x 7.5 inches (H x W x D)

Internal power supply used: 20 amps @ 5 VDC

Product description

The IC697CHS790 is a 9-slot rear IC697 programmable controller for CPU and I/O configurations. A standard 9-socket rack located in the leftmost module position can use a power supply. The IC697CHS790 rack is installed in a 10-inch deep cabinet and usually does not require a fan. Rack dimensions are 11.15 "H x 19" W x 7.5 "D, controller slot width is 1.6" W, and power slot width is 2.4 "W. Each rack provides slot sensing for rack-type I/O created for IC697 PLCS. No switches or jumpers are required on the I/O module.

The installation of the IC697CHS790 requires sufficient space to properly cool the system modules. Installation requirements must be determined based on the application and the correct rack ordered. Mounting flanges are conveniently installed in the side panels of the frame in the factory.

IC697 I/O modules are interlocked by using keys to avoid accidental switching of one module type to another. Each module includes a key that is mechanically locked to the center rail of the frame until the module is removed. If the module is of an incorrect type, it cannot be inserted into the rack slot. If there are multiple racks in the system, the rack ID ranges from 0 to 7. The CPU rack is always rack 0. The number of each rack will be determined by the PLC from the four jumpers on the backplane of the rack. The backplane is directly behind the power supply, and the jumper is located on the backplane.


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