


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC697MDL654 | 输入模块 具有32道输入数量

系列 :90-70系列

零件编号: IC697MDL654

额定电压 :48 伏直流电

输入电流: 4.7 毫安

输入电压范围: -3 至 56 伏直流电

所需电流 :0.3 安培

每个模块的输入数量: 32

隔离电压: 1500 伏

导通状态电压:33 至 56 伏

关断状态电压 :0 至 10 伏

导通状态电流 :3 至 8 毫安

关断状态电流 :0 至 2 毫安



IC697MDL654  | 输入模块   具有32道输入数量


系列 :90-70系列

零件编号: IC697MDL654

额定电压 :48 伏直流电

输入电流: 4.7 毫安

输入电压范围: -3 至 56 伏直流电

所需电流 :0.3 安培

每个模块的输入数量: 32

隔离电压: 1500 伏

导通状态电压:33 至 56 伏

关断状态电压 :0 至 10 伏

导通状态电流 :3 至 8 毫安

关断状态电流 :0 至 2 毫安

IC697MDL654输入模块是额定电压为 48 伏的设备,需要直流电源。对于 5 伏输入电压,该模块的关断状态电流为 0 至 2 毫安,关断状态电压为 0 至 10 伏。导通电压为 33 至 56 伏,导通电流为 3 至 8 毫安。0.3 Amps 模块具有 VME 总线,专为仅接受安全组件的机架而设计。IC697MDL654模块的接线可以通过端子板完成,它允许使用不同类型和尺寸的电线。与任何其他可能因过热而损坏的工业组件一样,IC697MDL654模块需要周围一些空间才能通风和正常工作。用于连接此类模块的可接受电线是尺寸从 0.36 到 2.10 平方毫米的电线。


Series :90-70 series

Part number: IC697MDL654

Rated voltage :48 volts DC

Input current: 4.7 MA

Input voltage range: -3 to 56 volts DC

Required current :0.3 amps

Number of inputs per module: 32

Isolation voltage: 1500 volts

On-state voltage :33 to 56 volts

Off state voltage :0 to 10 volts

On-state current :3 to 8 MA

Off state current :0 to 2 MA

The IC697MDL654 input module is a device with a rated voltage of 48 volts and requires DC power. For 5 volts of input voltage, the module has a turn-off current of 0 to 2 MA and a turn-off voltage of 0 to 10 volts. The on-voltage is 33 to 56 volts, and the on-current is 3 to 8 mA. The 0.3 Amps module has a VME bus and is designed for racks that accept only security components. Wiring of the IC697MDL654 module can be done via the terminal board, which allows the use of different types and sizes of wires. Like any other industrial component that can be damaged by overheating, the IC697MDL654 module requires some space around it to be ventilated and function properly. The acceptable wires for connecting such modules are wires from 0.36 to 2.10 square millimeters in size.


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