


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC697MDL651 | 分立式输入模块 模块有 32 个输入可用

系列 :90-70系列

零件编号: IC697MDL651

额定电压: 5 伏直流电

输入电压范围: -3 至 7 伏直流电

所需电流: 0.53 安培

每个模块的输入数量: 32



IC697MDL651  |  分立式输入模块  模块有 32 个输入可用


系列 :90-70系列

零件编号: IC697MDL651

额定电压: 5 伏直流电

输入电压范围: -3 至 7 伏直流电

所需电流: 0.53 安培

每个模块的输入数量: 32

IC697MDL651模块是一个分立式输入模块,专为工业系统而设计,由各种高电平运行的组件构成。该模块由 GE Fanuc 生产,旨在与 90-70 系列的可编程控制器单元一起使用。IC697MDL651模块具有TTL兼容输入点,这些输入点是完全独立的,并配备了滤波器选项。用户可以根据应用要求选择值为 1 毫秒或 10 毫秒的过滤器。除此之外,输入端还具有不需要电源的上拉电阻器,并且该模块具有 LED 状态指示灯。每个模块有 32 个输入可用,使用的电缆的最大长度为 30 米(98.4 英



Series :90-70 series

Part number: IC697MDL651

Rated voltage: 5 volts DC

Input voltage range: -3 to 7 volts DC

Required current: 0.53 amps

Number of inputs per module: 32

The IC697MDL651 module is a discrete input module designed for industrial systems and consists of various components operating at high levels. The module is produced by GE Fanuc and is intended for use with programmable controller units in the 90-70 series. The IC697MDL651 module has TTL compatible input points that are completely independent and equipped with filter options. Users can choose a filter with a value of 1 millisecond or 10 millisecond depending on the application requirements. In addition to this, the input has a pull-up resistor that does not require power, and the module has an LED status indicator. Each module has 32 inputs available and uses a cable with a maximum length of 30 meters (98.4 ft)

The IC697MDL651 discrete input module is an electronic component typically used to process multiple input signals. However, when the number of channels handled by each discrete input module is 8 or more, some disadvantages may be introduced, such as high heat/power consumption, large number of discrete components, and possible reliability issues. Therefore, these potential challenges need to be considered when selecting and designing discrete input modules. Foot).


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