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IC697MDL253RR | 输入模块 用于接收电流量或电压量信号

品牌: GE发那科

系列 : 90-70系列

零件编号 : IC697MDL252RR

品牌 : GE智能平台/GE发那科

产品类型 : 输入模块

额定电压 : 120 伏交流电

输入 : 32

输入电流: 10毫安

需要电流: 0.35 安培

频率 : 60赫兹



IC697MDL253RR |  输入模块  用于接收电流量或电压量信号


品牌: GE发那科

系列 : 90-70系列

零件编号 : IC697MDL252RR

品牌 : GE智能平台/GE发那科

产品类型 : 输入模块

额定电压 : 120 伏交流电

输入 : 32

输入电流: 10毫安

需要电流: 0.35 安培

频率 : 60赫兹

直流电源 : 不

交流电源: 是的

LED指示灯: 是的





Brand: GE Fanuc

Series: 90-70 series

Part number: IC697MDL252RR

Brand: GE Intelligent Platform /GE Fanuc

Product type: Input module

Rated voltage: 120 volts AC

Input: 32

Input current: 10 MA

Required current: 0.35 amps

Frequency: 60 Hz

Dc power supply: No

Ac power supply: Yes

LED indicator: Yes

The IC697MDL252RR input module is mainly used to receive signal input and use it as part of the system. According to the different input signals, it can be divided into switching input and analog input two types.

The switching input module can receive a passive contact signal and connect it to the system. IC697MDL252RR This module is usually used to receive water flow indicators, pressure switches, signal valves and other equipment alarm signals and feedback signals. There are many types of input modules on the market, including modules that can only receive normally open signal input, modules that can receive normally open or normally closed signal input through parameter Settings, and dual-input modules or even multi-input modules.

The analog input module is mainly used to receive the current or voltage signal. For example, some manufacturers of non-coding detectors will output a current flow signal when the alarm, the signal can be received by the analog input module and input into the system.


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