


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC697MDL251 | 属于 90-70 系列 | 离散输入模块

系列 :90-70系列

制造者:GE Fanuc(前);艾默生自动化 (Current)

系列 :90-70系列

零件编号 :IC697MDL251

产品描述 :离散输入模块

品牌 :GE智能平台/GE发那科

十二 (12): 个单端/差分输入 十二 (12) 个正逻辑输入。



IC697MDL251  |  属于 90-70 系列   | 离散输入模块


系列 :90-70系列

制造者:GE Fanuc(前);艾默生自动化 (Current)

系列 :90-70系列

零件编号 :IC697MDL251

产品描述 :离散输入模块

品牌 :GE智能平台/GE发那科

十二 (12): 个单端/差分输入 十二 (12) 个正逻辑输入。

GE Fanuc IC697MDL250离散输入模块属于 90-70 系列。该模块有 32 个输入点,分为 4 个隔离组,每组由 8 个点组成,可应用于各种交流电源相位。IC697MDL250输入模块在 120 伏交流电的电压下运行,输入滤波时间为 20 毫秒。它具有符合 IEC 标准 Type 2 要求的无功输入,并且输入特性与各种接近开关完美匹配。该模块具有 LED 指示灯,用于显示 PLC 侧每个点的开机和机关状态。这些指示器位于此输入模块的顶部。该GE Fanuc模块经过机械调整,可使用相同的现场类型模块提供轻松的适当替换。输入和输出基准可由操作员配置,无需使用 DIP 开关和跳线。






Series: 90-70 series

Manufacturer: GE Fanuc (former); Emerson Automation (Current)

Series: 90-70 series

Part number: IC697MDL251

Product Description: Discrete input module

Brand: GE Intelligent Platform /GE Fanuc

Twelve (12) : Single ended/differential inputs Twelve (12) positive logic inputs.

The GE Fanuc IC697MDL250 discrete input module belongs to the 90-70 series. The module has 32 input points divided into 4 isolation groups, each consisting of 8 points, and can be applied to a variety of AC power supply phases. The IC697MDL250 input module operates at 120 volts AC with an input filtering time of 20 milliseconds. It has reactive power inputs that meet the requirements of IEC standard Type 2, and the input characteristics are perfectly matched to a variety of proximity switches. The module has an LED indicator to show the power on and off status of each point on the PLC side. These indicators are located at the top of this input module. The GE Fanuc module is mechanically tuned to provide an easy and appropriate replacement using the same field type module. Input and output benchmarks can be configured by the operator, eliminating the need for DIP switches and jumpers.

Maintenance and calibration methods for discrete input modules vary by module type and application scenario, but the following are some common maintenance and calibration methods:

Clean and dust: Regularly clean the surfaces and interfaces of discrete input modules to remove dust and dirt. Use appropriate cleaners and fabrics, and avoid using overly wet fabrics that may short-circuit or damage the module.

Check cables and connections: Ensure that all connection cables and interfaces are tight and secure and not loose or damaged. Check that the cable is intact and not broken or broken.

Calibration and adjustment: Calibration and adjustment according to the instructions for the use of the discrete input module. Normally, it is necessary to test with standard sensors or other input devices, and adjust the parameters and Settings of the module to ensure that it works properly and is measured accurately.


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