


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC697MDL250RR | 离散输入模块 实现实时数据采集、信号处理

品牌 :GE发那科

系列 :90-70系列

零件编号 :IC697MDL250RR

品牌 :GE智能平台/GE发那科

产品类型: 离散输入模块

额定电压: 120 伏交流电

输入数量 :32



IC697MDL250RR  | 离散输入模块  实现实时数据采集、信号处理


品牌 :GE发那科

系列 :90-70系列

零件编号 :IC697MDL250RR

品牌 :GE智能平台/GE发那科

产品类型: 离散输入模块

额定电压: 120 伏交流电

输入数量 :32

GE Fanuc 90-70 系列IC697MDL250离散输入模块的配置是在 Windows 操作系统或 MS-DOS 操作系统下完成的,并且该模块上已经预装了配置功能。IC697MDL250分立式输入模块非常灵活,可与各种输入设备一起使用,例如选择开关、按钮、电子 2 线或 3 线型接近开关和限位开关。它带有一个输入电路,允许低散热,这进一步有助于延长设备的使用寿命和极端可靠性。IC697MDL250输入模块具有机械键,旨在防止意外更换特定插槽中的模块类型。连接器下方是电路板下方一个形状独特的点,钥匙适合其中。

IC697MDL250RR 离散输入模块是一种电子设备,用于接收和转换来自各种传感器或其他输入设备的信号,并将其传输到控制系统或计算机中。离散输入模块通常具有数字或模拟输入通道,能够处理各种不同的输入信号,并将其转换为系统所需的数字信号或模拟信号。

IC697MDL250RR 离散输入模块的应用范围非常广泛,包括自动化控制系统、仪器仪表、工业自动化等领域。它能够实现实时数据采集、信号处理、控制输出等功能,是实现工业自动化和智能化的重要组成部分。


Brand :GE Fanuc

Series :90-70 series

Part number :IC697MDL250RR

Brand :GE Intelligent Platform /GE Fanuc

Product type: Discrete input module

Rated voltage: 120 volts AC

Input quantity :32

The configuration of the GE Fanuc 90-70 series IC697MDL250 discrete input module is done under the Windows operating system or MS-DOS operating system, and the configuration function is preinstalled on the module. The IC697MDL250 vertical input module is flexible and can be used with a variety of input devices, such as select switches, buttons, electronic 2-wire or 3-wire proximity switches and limit switches. It comes with an input circuit that allows for low heat dissipation, which further helps to extend the service life and extreme reliability of the device. The IC697MDL250 input module has mechanical keys designed to prevent accidental replacement of module types in a particular slot. Below the connector is a uniquely shaped point under the board where the key fits.

The IC697MDL250RR discrete input module is an electronic device used to receive and convert signals from various sensors or other input devices and transmit them to a control system or computer. Discrete input modules usually have digital or analog input channels that are capable of processing a variety of different input signals and converting them into the digital or analog signals required by the system.

The IC697MDL250RR discrete input module has a wide range of applications, including automation control systems, instrumentation, industrial automation and other fields. It can realize real-time data acquisition, signal processing, control output and other functions, and is an important part of industrial automation and intelligence.


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