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IC697HSC700RR | 90-70系列 高速计数器 (HSC) 模块

系列 :90-70系列

制造者:GE Fanuc(前);艾默生自动化 (Current)

系列 :90-70系列

零件编号 :IC697HSC700

产品描述 :高速计数器 (HSC) 模块

品牌 :GE智能平台/GE发那科

十二 (12): 个单端/差分输入 十二 (12) 个正逻辑输入

产品类型 :高速计数器



IC697HSC700RR  |  90-70系列  高速计数器 (HSC) 模块


系列 :90-70系列

制造者:GE Fanuc(前);艾默生自动化 (Current)

系列 :90-70系列

零件编号 :IC697HSC700

产品描述 :高速计数器 (HSC) 模块

品牌 :GE智能平台/GE发那科

十二 (12): 个单端/差分输入 十二 (12) 个正逻辑输入

产品类型 :高速计数器

该IC697HSC700是一种高速计数器 (HSC) 模块,以前由 GE Fanuc Automation 制造,目前隶属于 Emerson Automation。该模块主要用于接口频率为200 kHz的高速开关信号,当在上/下四通道模式下以A型、D型和E型工作时,以及在四通道B模式下以E型工作时,频率为800 kHz。此模块是一个单插槽模块,可安装到 CPU 底板、扩展或远程底板内的可用 I/O 插槽。它具有十二 (12) 个单端或差分逻辑输入,工作电压为 5VDC 或 10-30 VDC 电压,以及四 (4) 个正逻辑输出,在 10-30 VDC 额定电压下提供 20 mA 电流输出。该IC697HSC700非常适合用于涡轮流量计应用、仪表验证、速度测量、物料搬运、运动控制和位置控制。此模块必须与固件版本为 5.0 或更高版本的 90-70 系列IC697CPU一起运行。适用的配置和编程软件是软件版本为 5.0x 或更高版本的 Logicmaster 90-70 或基于 Windows 的编程软件包,包括 VersaPro 专业版和 Proficy Machine 版 Logic Developer PLC 专业版。该模块配有 LED 状态指示灯,例如 MODULE OK 和 01-04 输出电路状态。该模块的输入和输出隔离额定电压为 1500 伏,持续 1 秒,30 VAC / VDC SteadyStatus。该模块的背板电流消耗为 1 安培,每个通电输出为 10 mA。输出点由用户提供的 5 VDC 或 10-30 VDC 电源电压供电。


Series: 90-70 series

Manufacturer: GE Fanuc (former); Emerson Automation (Current)

Series: 90-70 series

Part number: IC697HSC700

Product Description: High Speed Counter (HSC) module

Brand: GE Intelligent Platform /GE Fanuc

Twelve (12) : Single ended/differential inputs Twelve (12) positive logic inputs

Product Type: High-speed counter

The IC697HSC700 is a high-speed counter (HSC) module formerly manufactured by GE Fanuc Automation and currently owned by Emerson Automation. The module is mainly used for high-speed switching signals with an interface frequency of 200 kHz, when operating in type A, D and E in up/down four-channel mode, and 800 kHz when operating in type E in four-channel B mode. This module is a single-slot module that can be installed into an available I/O slot in the CPU backboard, expansion, or remote backboard. It has twelve (12) single-ended or differential logic inputs operating at 5VDC or 10-30 VDC voltage, and four (4) positive logic outputs providing 20 mA current output at a 10-30 VDC rated voltage. The IC697HSC700 is ideal for turbine flowmeter applications, instrument validation, speed measurement, material handling, motion control and position control. This module must run with a 90-70 series IC697CPU with firmware version 5.0 or higher. The applicable configuration and programming software is Logicmaster 90-70 or a Windows-based programming package with software version 5.0x or higher. Includes VersaPro Pro and Proficy Machine Logic Developer PLC Pro. The MODULE is equipped with LED status indicators such as MODULE OK and 01-04 output circuit status. The module's input and output isolation voltage is rated at 1500 volts for 1 second and 30 VAC/VDC SteadyStatus. The backplane current consumption of this module is 1 amp, and each powered output is 10 mA. The output point is powered by a 5 VDC or 10-30 VDC supply voltage provided by the user.


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