


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC697CSE925RR | 单插槽PLC CPU IC697 系列


模块类型:浮点 CPU


所需电流:3.3 安培标称值

点数:12K 输入和输出

支持:IC660/1C661 10和IC697 10



IC697CSE925RR  |  单插槽PLC CPU    IC697 系列



模块类型:浮点 CPU


所需电流:3.3 安培标称值

点数:12K 输入和输出

支持:IC660/1C661 10和IC697 10

该IC697CPM925由GE自动化生产,是一款能够实时控制工业机械的单插槽PLC CPU。 与 I/O 和“智能选件”模块的通信通过机架安装的连接背板完成。此设备由 MS-DOS 或在传统操作系统(包括 Windows 95 和 Windows NT)上运行的软件应用程序配置。 该IC697CPM925具有 64MHz 80486DX2 微处理器,每个布尔函数的浮点十进制计算速度快至 0.4 微秒。该器件支持高达 8K 的模拟 I/O 以及 12K 输入和输出的任意组合。

该IC697CPM925支持以下模块:IC697 系列的分立和模拟 I/O 模块、IC660 和 IC661 I/O 模块以及多个协处理器和通信模块。 该器件允许最多 1 兆字节或用户内存,由板载锂 CMOS 电池维护,设备的日历和时钟也是如此。操作系统固件位于闪存中。注意:闪存无法存储用户信息。用户无需拆卸设备或更换 EPROM 即可更新固件。要更新固件,请将设备连接到兼容的计算机,插入固件软盘,然后运行相应的 Loader 软件。


Model: IC697CSE925RR

Module type: floating point CPU

Number of slots :1(single slot)

Required current :3.3 amps nominal value

Count :12K input and output

Support :IC660/1C661 10 and IC697 10

The IC697CPM925, manufactured by GE Automation, is a single-slot PLC CPU capable of controlling industrial machinery in real time. Communication with the I/O and Smart Options modules is done through a rack-mounted connection backplane. This device is configured by MS-DOS or software applications running on legacy operating systems, including Windows 95 and Windows NT. The IC697CPM925 has a 64MHz 80486DX2 microprocessor and calculates floating-point decimal values as fast as 0.4 microseconds per Boolean function. The device supports analog I/O up to 8K and any combination of 12K inputs and outputs.

The IC697CPM925 supports the following modules: discrete and analog I/O modules of the IC697 family, IC660 and IC661 I/O modules, and multiple coprocessors and communication modules. The device allows up to 1 Megabyte, or user memory, and is maintained by an onboard lithium CMOS battery, as are the device's calendar and clock. The operating system firmware is located in flash memory. Note: Flash memory cannot store user information. Users can update the firmware without disassembling the device or replacing the EPROM. To update the firmware, connect the device to a compatible computer, insert the firmware floppy, and then run the appropriate Loader software.


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