


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC200ALG260 | 模拟量输入模块 通过RS-485总线传输至计算机

IC200ALG260 模拟量输入模块是一款将远程现场的模拟量信号采集至计算机的设备,其利用RS-485总线作为数据通信线路,提供模拟量转485功能,能够同时将模拟量输入至模块,并通过RS-485总线传输至计算机。



IC200ALG260   |  模拟量输入模块  通过RS-485总线传输至计算机



产品描述 :模拟量输入模块

输入数量 :8

通道数 :八 (8) 个模拟输入

输入类型 :单端

模拟输入信号 :模拟输入信号

IC200ALG260 模拟量输入模块是一款将远程现场的模拟量信号采集至计算机的设备,其利用RS-485总线作为数据通信线路,提供模拟量转485功能,能够同时将模拟量输入至模块,并通过RS-485总线传输至计算机。

IC200ALG260 模拟量是表示在一定范围内连续变化的任意取值,跟数字量是相对立的一个状态表示。通常模拟量用于采集和表示事物的电压电流或者频率等参数。模拟量输入模块能够采集模拟量(如电压、电流、热电偶、热电阻、温度等数值)并通过485总线传输到电脑上。由于采用RS-485接口作为通信接口,它能够多个模块组合传输更多路数模拟量信号,并且能够在485线路上分散配置,采用地址码进行区分,可以直接接入MODBUS RTU协议的组态软件。


Part number: IC200ALG260

Product description: analog input module

Input quantity :8

Number of channels: Eight (8) analog inputs

Input type: Single-end

Analog input signal: analog input signal

IC200ALG260 analog input module is a device that collects analog signals from remote field to computer, which uses RS-485 bus as a data communication line to provide analog to 485 function, which can simultaneously input analog to the module and transmit it to the computer through RS-485 bus.

IC200ALG260 analog quantity is an arbitrary value that represents continuous change within a certain range, and is a state representation opposite to the digital quantity. Analog quantities are usually used to capture and represent parameters such as voltage, current or frequency of things. Analog input module can collect analog values (such as voltage, current, thermocouple, thermal resistance, temperature, etc.) and transmit to the computer through the 485 bus. As the RS-485 interface is used as the communication interface, it can combine multiple modules to transmit more analog signals, and can be distributed on the 485 line, using the address code to distinguish, and can directly access the configuration software of MODBUS RTU protocol.


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