


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IS200PMCIH1AAA6BA00 | 离散输出模块 90-70系列

IS200PMCIH1AAA6BA00离散输出模块由GE Inteligent Platforms/GE Fanuc制造,属于90-70系列。该模块的额定电压为120伏交流




IS200PMCIH1AAA6BA00  |  离散输出模块  90-70系列

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IS200PMCIH1AAA6BA00离散输出模块由GE Inteligent Platforms/GE Fanuc制造,属于90-70系列。该模块的额定电压为120伏交流


IS200PMCIH1AAA6BA00模块是GE fanuc制造的离散输出模块,属于系列90-70。它的工作电压为120伏交流电,32个输出点中的每个都具有0.5安培的电流容量,这些输出点被隔离成4组,每组B个点。该模块具有约20倍额定电流的高浪涌容量,它允许在不同的交流电源相位上使用每一个8点组。每个输出组都装有一个额定电流为5安培的保险丝,它会员示浪涌电流,使输出话用于各种电感负载。C697MDL350输出模块具有LED指示灯,可指示电路PLC侧每个输出点的开/关状态。它还具有一个LED,可显示位于模块顶部的保险丝的状态。

GE FanucIS200PMCIH1AAA6BA00输出模块采用机械键控,通过使用相同类型的模块进行更换来增强更换过程。


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Model: IS200PMCIH1AAA6BA00

The IS200PMCIH1AAA6BA00 discrete output module is manufactured by GE Inteligent Platforms/GE Fanuc and belongs to the 90-70 series. The module has a rated voltage of 120 V AC

Electricity, 32 outputs

Each output point in the points has a current of 0.5 amps, and these output points are isolated into 4 groups of 8 points each.

The IS200PMCIH1AAA6BA00 module is a discrete output module manufactured by GE fanuc and belongs to the series 90-70. It operates at 120 volts AC, each of 32 output points

Each has 0.5

The current capacity of the ampere, these output points are isolated into 4 groups, each group B points. The module has a high surge capacity of about 20 times the rated current, which allows for different AC power supply phases

Use each 8-point group. Each output group is equipped with a fuse rated at 5 amps, which indicates the inrush current and enables the output to be used for various inductive loads. C697MDL350 lost

The output module has an LED indicator that indicates the on/off status of each output point on the PLC side of the circuit. It also has an LED that shows the status of the fuse located at the top of the module.

The GE FanucIS200PMCIH1AAA6BA00 output module is mechanically keyed to enhance the replacement process by using the same type of module for replacement.

Compared with the innovative series drivers, the IS200PMCIH1AAA6BA00 discrete output module is mainly used to achieve switching control, while the innovative series drivers are more focused on motion control and performance optimization. In practical applications, discrete output modules can be used in combination with innovative series drivers to achieve complete control of complex systems.


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