


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC687BEM713 冗余通信模块 系列 90-70系列 IC670PBI001


系列 90-70系列

零件编号 IC687RCM711



系列 90-70系列

零件编号 IC687RCM711

类型 冗余通信模块

所需电流 1.2 安培(来自 5V 总线)

最大电缆长度 15 米

有效数据速率 500 KB/秒



IC687BEM713  冗余通信模块   系列 90-70系列 IC670PBI001 


系列 90-70系列

零件编号 IC687RCM711



系列 90-70系列

零件编号 IC687RCM711

类型 冗余通信模块

所需电流 1.2 安培(来自 5V 总线)

最大电缆长度 15 米

有效数据速率 500 KB/秒

GE Fanuc 自动化IC687RCM711通信模块以高达每秒 500 KB 的速度执行数据传输。与其他类似设备不同,该通信模块不需要任何形式的隔离。该模块还包括 5 个绿色 LED 指示灯,用于显示应用程序进程和 CPU 的当前状态。对于人机界面,GE Fanuc自动化IC687RCM711通信模块有一个物理按钮。此按钮的功能是在需要时将控制从设备更改为备用设备。两个单元都必须准备好使用,一旦切换完毕,就需要等待 10 秒钟才能再次切换回来。该模块的额定电流为 1.2 安培。

Brand GE Fanuc

Series 90-70 series

Part number IC687RCM711

Type Redundant communication module

Required current 1.2 amps (from 5V bus)

The maximum cable length is 15 meters

Effective data rate 500 KB/ s

The GE Fanuc Automated IC687RCM711 communication module performs data transfer at speeds of up to 500 kilobits per second. Unlike other similar devices, this communication module does not require any form of isolation. The module also includes five green LED indicators that show the current status of the application process and CPU. For the human machine interface, the GE Fanuc Automation IC687RCM711 communication module has a physical button. The function of this button is to change control from the device to the standby device if needed. Both units must be ready for use, and once switched, it is necessary to wait 10 seconds before switching back again. The module has a rated current of 1.2 amps.


所需电流 1.2 安培(来自 5V 总线)

最大电缆长度 15 米

有效数据速率 500 KB/秒

GE Fanuc 自动化IC687RCM711通信模块以高达每秒 500 KB 的速度执行数据传输。与其他类似设备不同,该通信模块不需要任何形式的隔离。该模块还包括 5 个绿色 LED 指示灯,用于显示应用程序进程和 CPU 的当前状态。对于人机界面,GE Fanuc自动化IC687RCM711通信模块有一个物理按钮。此按钮的功能是在需要时将控制从设备更改为备用设备。两个单元都必须准备好使用,一旦切换完毕,就需要等待 10 秒钟才能再次切换回来。该模块的额定电流为 1.2 安培。

Brand GE Fanuc

Series 90-70 series

Part number IC687RCM711

Type Redundant communication module

Required current 1.2 amps (from 5V bus)

The maximum cable length is 15 meters

Effective data rate 500 KB/ s

The GE Fanuc Automated IC687RCM711 communication module performs data transfer at speeds of up to 500 kilobits per second. Unlike other similar devices, this communication module does not require any form of isolation. The module also includes five green LED indicators that show the current status of the application process and CPU. For the human machine interface, the GE Fanuc Automation IC687RCM711 communication module has a physical button. The function of this button is to change control from the device to the standby device if needed. Both units must be ready for use, and once switched, it is necessary to wait 10 seconds before switching back again. The module has a rated current of 1.2 amps.


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