


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC687BEM742 | I/O 总线控制器 | IC687BEM731-AB


零件编号 IC697BEM742

描述 FIP 总线控制器

应用 FIP 或 World FIP I/O 串行总线

工作电压 5.0 伏直流电



IC687BEM742  |   I/O 总线控制器  |  IC687BEM731-AB



零件编号 IC697BEM742

描述 FIP 总线控制器

应用 FIP 或 World FIP I/O 串行总线

工作电压 5.0 伏直流电

GE Fanuc IC697BEM742 系列 90-70 FIP 总线控制器是一种 I/O 总线控制器,可将 GE IC697 PLC 连接到 FIP 或 World FIP I/O 串行总线设备。IC697BEM742总线控制器还可以充当远程I/O嵌套中的GE系列90-30 I/O模块的I/O控制器和FIP总线网络中的现场控制I/O模块。IC697BEM742 FIP 总线控制器还为连接的设备提供高级 TCP/IP 通信功能和通用消息传递功能。IC697BEM742总线控制器提供软件配置,无需拨码开关和跳线组。它配置了基于 MS-DOS 或 Windows 的编程软件。IC697BEM742 Bus 控制器在控制器的前面板上带有 6 个 LED 状态指示灯,并且还有一个位于状态 LED 正下方的按钮。


Series 90-70 series

Part number IC697BEM742

Describes the FIP bus controller

Apply FIP or World FIP I/O serial bus

Operating voltage 5.0 V DC

GE Fanuc IC697BEM742 Series 90-70 FIP Bus controller is an I/O bus controller that connects GE IC697 PLCS to FIP or World FIP I/O serial bus devices. The IC697BEM742 bus controller can also act as an I/O controller for GE series 90-30 I/O modules in remote I/O nesting and a field control I/O module in FIP bus networks. The IC697BEM742 FIP bus controller also provides advanced TCP/IP communication capabilities and universal messaging capabilities for connected devices. The IC697BEM742 bus controller provides software configuration without the need for dip switches and jumpers. It is configured with MS-DOS or Windows-based programming software. The IC697BEM742 Bus controller has 6 LED status indicators on the front panel of the controller and also has a button located directly below the status LED.


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