


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC670GB1102D | I/O 控制单元 用于安装在DIN导轨上


系列 现场: I/O 控制

零件编号 :IC670GB1102D

类型 :总线接口单元

产品描述 :总线接口单元 (BUI)

兼容性 :现场控制 IC670G / IC670GBI

电源电压范围 :18-30 伏直流电

额定电压: 115 伏交流电,125 伏直流电

电压范围 :90 至 135 伏交流电 / 105 至 150 伏直流电

额定电源电压 :24 伏直流电

频率:47 至 63 赫兹



IC670GB1102D  |  I/O 控制单元   用于安装在DIN导轨上



系列 现场: I/O 控制

零件编号 :IC670GB1102D

类型 :总线接口单元

产品描述 :总线接口单元 (BUI)

兼容性 :现场控制 IC670G / IC670GBI

电源电压范围 :18-30 伏直流电

额定电压: 115 伏交流电,125 伏直流电

电压范围 :90 至 135 伏交流电 / 105 至 150 伏直流电

额定电源电压 :24 伏直流电

频率:47 至 63 赫兹

IC670GB1102D是现场控制系统系列中的总线接口单元 (BUI)。此 BUI 支持 Genius Bus 协议,并支持托管多达八 (8) 个现场 I/O 模块。BUI 管理现场 I/O 模块与驻留在 Genius 总线中的主控制器的主机之间的数据交换。 IC670GB1102D总线接口单元最多可容纳 128 字节的输入数据和 128 字节的输出数据。



Part number: IC670GB1102D

Series field: I/O control

Part number: IC670GB1102D

Type: Bus interface unit

Product Description: Bus interface unit (BUI)

Compatibility: Field control IC670G/IC670GBI

Power supply voltage range: 18-30 volts DC

Rated voltage: 115 volts AC, 125 volts DC

Voltage range: 90 to 135 volts AC / 105 to 150 volts DC

Rated power supply voltage: 24 volts DC

Frequency: 47 to 63 Hz

The IC670GB1102D is a bus interface unit (BUI) in the Field Control system family. This BUI supports the Genius Bus protocol and supports hosting up to eight (8) field I/O modules. BUI manages the data exchange between the field I/O module and the host of the master controller residing in the Genius bus. The IC670GB1102D bus interface unit can hold up to 128 bytes of input data and 128 bytes of output data.

The IC670GB1102D is installed on the appropriate terminal base. It is designed to be mounted on a DIN rail with a DIN rail component connected to the grounding system. This ensures that the DIN guide material is made of a good or excellent conductor and is not susceptible to oxidation and corrosion.


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