


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC660TSA100 I/O 模块 | 终端组件 IC670PB1001

系列 天才I-O

零件编号 IC660TSA100

产品类型 端子组件

兼容 I/O 模块 IC660BBA100

工作温度 0 至 60 摄氏度

兼容的电子组件 IC660EBA100

支持的块 I/O 数量 2 个输出和 4 个输入

散热等级 6 瓦



IC660TSA100  I/O 模块 | 终端组件  IC670PB1001


系列 天才I-O

零件编号 IC660TSA100

产品类型 端子组件

兼容 I/O 模块 IC660BBA100

工作温度 0 至 60 摄氏度

兼容的电子组件 IC660EBA100

支持的块 I/O 数量 2 个输出和 4 个输入

散热等级 6 瓦

GE Fanuc IC660TSA100 终端组件是 GE Fanuc 的 I/O 模块的终端组件,其目录号为 IC660BBA100。该 I/O 模块是一个具有 2 个输出和 4 个输入的电压和电流 I/O 模块。IC660BBA100块是一个 115 伏交流额定电压和电流模拟 I/O 模块。与IC660BBA100块和IC660TSA100端子组件兼容的电子组件的目录号为IC660EBA100。I/O 模块的重量约为 4 磅,尺寸为 224.4 x 33.4 x 39.1 毫米。IC660BBA100 I/O 模块上提供 LED,它们是“I/O Enabled”和“Unit OK”LED。块和作为其一部分的IC660TSA100端子组件的块到块隔离额定值为 1500 伏,散热额定值为 6 瓦。


Series Genius I-O

Part number IC660TSA100

Product Type Terminal assembly

Compatible with I/O module IC660BBA100

Operating temperature 0 to 60 degrees Celsius

Compatible electronic components IC660EBA100

Number of block I/ OS supported 2 outputs and 4 inputs

Heat dissipation rating 6 watts

The GE Fanuc IC660TSA100 terminal component is the terminal component of the I/O module of GE Fanuc. The directory number is IC660BBA100. The I/O module is a voltage and current I/O module with 2 outputs and 4 inputs. The IC660BBA100 block is a 115 volt AC rated voltage and current analog I/O module. The catalog number of the electronic assembly compatible with the IC660BBA100 block and the IC660TSA100 terminal assembly is IC660EBA100. The I/O module weighs about 4 pounds and measures 224.4 x 33.4 x 39.1 mm. Leds are provided on the IC660BBA100 I/O module, which are "I/O Enabled" and "Unit OK" leds. Block to block isolation rating of 1500 volts and heat dissipation rating of 6 watts for the block and IC660TSA100 terminal assembly as part of it.


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