


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC660ELB921MM PC接口模块 | IC660EBD020

品牌 GE发那科

系列 Genius I/O

制造者 GE Fanuc(前);艾默生自动化 (Current)

零件编号 IC660ELB921MM

零件编号 IC660ELB921MM

产品描述 PC接口模块(PCIM)

产品描述 PC接口模块

通道数 单通道

内存要求 4 字节

插槽数量 单插槽



IC660ELB921MM   PC接口模块   | IC660EBD020


品牌 GE发那科

系列 Genius I/O

制造者 GE Fanuc(前);艾默生自动化 (Current)

零件编号 IC660ELB921MM

零件编号 IC660ELB921MM

产品描述 PC接口模块(PCIM)

产品描述 PC接口模块

通道数 单通道

内存要求 4 字节

插槽数量 单插槽

兼容的子卡 IC660ELB912

板类型 AT风格

通信速率 38.4K、76.8K、153.6K 标准或 153.6K 扩展波特率

电源要求 5 伏直流电,400 毫安

IC660ELB921MM PC接口模块是由GE Fanuc制造的单通道PCIM板,属于Genius I-O系列。它一次只能连接到 1 个 Genius 总线。该模块适用于 IBM PC、XT 和 AT 型个人计算机。该AT型接口板还兼容不同的Genius通信协议以及通信时序。IC660ELB921MM PC 接口模块可与单个子板和主板一起使用。此模块随附的配置软件可用于独立于主板配置子板。子板可以单独与Genius总线设备连接,并充当I/O系统的通用I/O控制器。


Brand GE Fanuc

Series Genius I/O

Manufacturer GE Fanuc (ex); Emerson Automation (Current)

Part number IC660ELB921MM

Part number IC660ELB921MM

Product Description PC Interface Module (PCIM)

Product Description PC interface module

Number of channels Single channel

The memory requirement is 4 bytes

Number of slots One slot

Compatible subcard IC660ELB912

Board type AT style

Communication rate 38.4K, 76.8K, 153.6K standard or 153.6K extended baud rate

The power supply requires 5 volts DC, 400 MA

The IC660ELB921MM PC interface module is a single-channel PCIM board manufactured by GE Fanuc and belongs to the Genius I-O series. It can only connect to one Genius bus at a time. This module is available for IBM PC, XT, and AT-type personal computers. The AT-type interface board is also compatible with different Genius communication protocols and communication timing. The IC660ELB921MM PC interface module can be used with a single subboard and motherboard. The configuration software that comes with this module can be used to configure the subboard independently of the motherboard. The child board can be individually connected to the Genius bus device and act as a universal I/O controller for the I/O system.


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