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IC660ELB912G | 天才I-O | 系列 PC接口模块(PCIM)

系列 天才I-O

系列 PC接口模块(PCIM)

制造者 GE Fanuc / 艾默生自动化

零件编号 IC660ELB912

零件编号 IC660ELB912

系列 Genius I/O

产品描述 MicroGENI子板

内存要求 16 千字节

兼容的PCIM卡 单插槽 PCIM (IC660ELB921); 双通道 PCIM (IC660ELB922)。

单通道PCIM IC660ELB921



IC660ELB912G  |  天才I-O |  系列 PC接口模块(PCIM)


系列 天才I-O

系列 PC接口模块(PCIM)

制造者 GE Fanuc / 艾默生自动化

零件编号 IC660ELB912

零件编号 IC660ELB912

系列 Genius I/O

产品描述 MicroGENI子板

内存要求 16 千字节

兼容的PCIM卡 单插槽 PCIM (IC660ELB921); 双通道 PCIM (IC660ELB922)。

单通道PCIM IC660ELB921

电流消耗 1.0 安培,单通道 PCIM; 1.5 安培,带 2 个子板的双通道 PCIM

电源要求 5 伏直流电,400 毫安

共享内存 16KB的


内存要求 16K 字节

通信协议 天才协议

不。支持的设备数量 每张子卡 30 张

IC660ELB912是 Genius 网络接口卡。此模块是 IBM PC 接口模块 (PCIM) 的子板。该卡安装在单插槽或双插槽 PCIM 模块上,使主机控制器具有 I/O 控制器功能,允许通过 Genius I/O 网络控制、监控和管理远程 I/O 设备。PCIM卡上的这块子板以前由GE Fanuc制造,现在隶属于艾默生自动化。IC660ELB912负责执行内务管理任务,例如驻留在同一 Genius I/O 网络上的多达 30 台设备的初始化和故障管理。它维护受控设备的最新数据映像,并能够通过发送和接收与 I/O 命令或全局数据无关的后台消息,通过同一网络与其他控制器交换数据。主机 PCIM 设备提供状态 LED 指示灯,以确定连接的子板的操作,特别是 GENI OK 和 COMMS OK。它支持各种可配置的数据速率,例如 38.4K、76.8K、153.6K 标准或 153.6K 扩展.


Series Genius I-O

Series PC Interface Module (PCIM)

Manufacturer GE Fanuc/Emerson Automation

Part number IC660ELB912

Part number IC660ELB912

Series Genius I/O

Product Description MicroGENI subroutine

The memory requirement is 16 kilobytes

Compatible PCIM card Single-slot PCIM (IC660ELB921); Dual-channel PCIM (IC660ELB922).

Single-channel PCIM IC660ELB921

Current consumption 1.0 amp, single channel PCIM; 1.5 amp, dual channel PCIM with 2 subboards

The power supply requires 5 volts DC, 400 MA

Shared memory 16KB

Dual-channel PCIM: IC660ELB922

The memory requirement is 16K bytes

Communication protocol Genius protocol

Nooooo. Number of devices supported 30 cards per sub-card

IC660ELB912 is the Genius network interface card. This module is a sub-board of the IBM PC Interface Module (PCIM). The card is mounted on a single - or two-slot PCIM module and gives the host controller I/O controller functionality, allowing remote I/O devices to be controlled, monitored, and managed over the Genius I/O network. This subboard on the PCIM card was formerly manufactured by GE Fanuc and is now owned by Emerson Automation. The IC660ELB912 is responsible for performing housekeeping tasks such as initialization and fault management of up to 30 devices residing on the same Genius I/O network. It maintains up-to-date data images of controlled devices and is able to exchange data with other controllers over the same network by sending and receiving background messages that are not related to I/O commands or global data. The host PCIM device provides status LED indicators to determine the operation of the connected sub-boards, specifically GENI OK and COMMS OK. It supports a variety of configurable data rates, such as 38.4K, 76.8K, 153.6K standard or 153.6K extension.


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