


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC697MDL671 | 中断输入模块 提供 16 个输入

品牌 :GE发那科

系列 :90-70系列

零件编号 :IC697MDL671

额定电压 :24 伏直流电

输入电流 :10毫安

输入电压范围 :-3 至 30 伏直流电

所需电流 :0.3 安培



IC697MDL671  |  中断输入模块  提供 16 个输入


品牌 :GE发那科

系列 :90-70系列

零件编号 :IC697MDL671

额定电压 :24 伏直流电

输入电流 :10毫安

输入电压范围 :-3 至 30 伏直流电

所需电流 :0.3 安培

IC697MDL671中断输入模块旨在与使用直流电源的系统一起使用,它提供 16 个输入,可用于各种应用。输入分为 4 组。各个点都标有从 A1 到 D4 的字母数字代码。应该注意的是,最后一个输入组中的最后 2 个输入旨在用于配置目的。IC697MDL671中断输入模块在 24 V DC 电压下运行,其隔离电压额定值为 1500 V。模块通电时模块的电压范围为 13.5 至 30 伏。相反的电压范围(关断状态)为正逻辑的 -3 至 5 伏,负逻辑的 -5 至 30 伏。除此之外,模块打开时的额定电流为 6 至 15 毫安,模块关闭时的额定电流为 0 至 2 毫安。


Brand: GE Fanuc

Series: 90-70 series

Part number: IC697MDL671

Rated voltage: 24 volts DC

Input current: 10 MA

Input voltage range: -3 to 30 volts DC

Required current: 0.3 amps

Designed for use with systems using DC power, the IC697MDL671 interrupt input module offers 16 inputs that can be used for a variety of applications. The input is divided into four groups. Each point is marked with an alphanumeric code from A1 to D4. It should be noted that the last 2 inputs in the last input group are intended for configuration purposes. The IC697MDL671 interrupt input module operates at 24 V DC and has an isolation voltage rating of 1500 V. The module voltage range is 13.5 to 30 volts when the module is powered on. The opposite voltage range (off state) is -3 to 5 volts for positive logic and -5 to 30 volts for negative logic. In addition to this, the rated current is 6 to 15 mA when the module is turned on and 0 to 2 Ma when the module is turned off.


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