


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC697MDL750 | 分立式输出模块 用于为各种电气负载通电


系列 :90-70系列

制造者 :通用电气发那科;艾默生自动化 (Current)

产品描述 :分立式输出模块


不。输出组数 四 (4)

通道数 :三十二 (32)

额定电压 :24 至 48 伏直流电



IC697MDL750  |  分立式输出模块  用于为各种电气负载通电


系列 :90-70系列

制造者 :通用电气发那科;艾默生自动化 (Current)

产品描述 :分立式输出模块


不。输出组数 四 (4)

通道数 :三十二 (32)

额定电压 :24 至 48 伏直流电

输出电流 :每点 0.5 安培,每组 2 安培

最大浪涌电流 :10 A 持续 20 ms

额定输出电压: 24 / 48 伏直流电

隔离电压 :1500 伏


涌流:10 安培(最大)持续 20 毫秒

在响应时间上,最大值:1 毫秒

IC697MDL750是一个数字输出模块,是 9-70 系列可编程逻辑控制器 (PLC) 的一部分,该控制器以前由 GE Fanuc 制造,现在隶属于艾默生自动化。该模块是一个单插槽模块,安装在 90-70 系列底板的空插槽上。它支持本地 I/O 操作或作为大型分布式 I/O 体系结构的一部分。该IC697MDL750主要具有三十二 (32) 个离散输出通道,可提供 20-60 VDC 的输出电压范围和 24 / 48 VDC 的额定电压。它可用于为各种电气负载通电,以实现手动或自动操作

Model: IC697MDL750

Series: 90-70 series

Manufacturer: General Electric Fanuc; Emerson Automation (Current)

Product description: Separate output module

Part number: IC697MDL750

Nooooo. Number of output groups four (4)

Number of channels: 32 (32)

Rated voltage: 24 to 48 volts DC

Output current: 0.5 amps per point, 2 amps per group

Maximum surge current: 10 A for 20 ms

Rated output voltage: 24/48 VDC

Isolation voltage: 1500 volts

Output current per channel: 0.5 MA

Surge current: 10 amps (Max) for 20 ms

In response time, maximum: 1 millisecond

The IC697MDL750 is a digital output module that is part of the 9-70 series of programmable logic controllers (PLCS) formerly manufactured by GE Fanuc and now owned by Emerson Automation. The module is a single slot module that is installed in an empty slot on the baseplate of the 90-70 series. It supports local I/O operations or as part of a large distributed I/O architecture. The IC697MDL750 features primarily thirty-two (32) discrete output channels that provide an output voltage range of 20-60 VDC and a rated voltage of 24/48 VDC. It can be used to energize various electrical loads for manual or automatic operation


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