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IC200MDL750E 可编程逻辑控制器 可将物理状态转换为电信号

IC200MDL750E 离散输入模块是PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)中的一个重要组成部分,主要用于接收和识别来自各种离散输入设备的信号。这些信号通常是二进制的,即只有两种状态:开或关,对应于数字逻辑中的1和0。离散输入设备可以是限位开关、按钮、传感器等,它们将物理状态转换为电信号,然后传输到PLC进行处理。



IC200MDL750E  可编程逻辑控制器  可将物理状态转换为电信号


品牌 GE发那科

系列 万能


制造者:艾默生自动化 / GE Fanuc (原)

通道数:三十二 (32)

零件编号 :IC200MDL750E

系列 :VersaMax I/O

产品类型: 离散输入模块

不。输入组数: 四 (4)

产品描述 :离散输入模块

模块 ID :80088008

通道数 :三十二 (32)


IC200MDL750E 离散输入模块在PLC中扮演着关键角色,它允许PLC准确地捕捉到输入设备状态的变化,并根据预设的逻辑进行相应的控制和决策。例如,当人工操作按钮时,PLC可以快速响应,并执行相应的指令或控制动作。同时,PLC还可以接收传感器输出的信号并进行检测,从而实时地监测设备和工艺过程中的状态变化,并做出相应的控制和调整。

此外,IC200MDL750E 离散输入模块通常具有多通道设计,允许同时连接和监控多个输入设备,从而简化了布线并提高了系统的灵活性。同时,它采用高品质的电气元件和优化的电路设计,确保在恶劣的工业环境中也能稳定可靠地工作。


Brand GE Fanuc

Series universal

Manufacturer :GE Intelligent Platform (front); Emerson Automation

Manufacturer: Emerson Automation/GE Fanuc (original)

Number of channels: 32 (32)

Part number :IC200MDL750E

Series :VersaMax I/O

Product type: Discrete input module

Nooooo. Number of input groups: 4 (4)

Product Description: Discrete input module

Module ID :80088008

Number of channels: 32 (32)

The IC200MDL750E discrete input module is an important part of PLC (Programmable logic Controller), which is mainly used to receive and recognize signals from various discrete input devices. These signals are usually binary, that is, there are only two states: on or off, corresponding to the 1 and 0 in digital logic. Discrete input devices can be limit switches, buttons, sensors, etc., which convert the physical state into an electrical signal that is then transmitted to the PLC for processing.

The IC200MDL750E discrete input module plays a key role in the PLC, which allows the PLC to accurately capture the changes in the state of the input device and make corresponding controls and decisions according to the preset logic. For example, when a button is manually operated, the PLC can respond quickly and execute the corresponding command or control action. At the same time, the PLC can also receive the signal output by the sensor and detect it, so as to monitor the status changes in the equipment and process in real time, and make corresponding control and adjustment.

In addition, the IC200MDL750E discrete input modules typically feature a multi-channel design that allows multiple input devices to be connected and monitored simultaneously, simplifying cabling and increasing system flexibility. At the same time, it uses high-quality electrical components and optimized circuit design to ensure stable and reliable work in harsh industrial environments.


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