


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC200GBI001-LL 网络接口单元 可编程逻辑控制器 (PLC)

制造者:艾默生自动化 / GE Fanuc (原)

系列 :VersaMAx

零件编号 :IC200GBI001

产品类型 :Genius 网络接口单元

通信端口数:两 (2) 个 Genius 终端






IC200GBI001-LL  网络接口单元  可编程逻辑控制器 (PLC)


制造者:艾默生自动化 / GE Fanuc (原)

系列 :VersaMAx

零件编号 :IC200GBI001

产品类型 :Genius 网络接口单元

通信端口数:两 (2) 个 Genius 终端




描述: IC200EBI001 是 VersaMax 可编程逻辑控制器 (PLC) 产品系列中的 Genius 网络接口单元 (NIU)。该模块由艾默生自动化公司(前身为 GE Fanuc)制造。该模块用作 Genius 从模块,托管和控制用于实现分布式 I/O 架构的 I/O 模块。它有两 (2) 个 Genius 总线总线总线连接(上端)和冗余端子(下端)。它支持高达 38.4 Kbaud 的传输,每个机架最多可容纳八 (8) 个,最多可容纳八 (8) 个机架。它支持每次扫描 128 字节的输入和输出;1024点的离散输入存储器;1024字节的离散输出存储器;128字节的模拟输入存储器和128字节的模拟输出存储器。

可容纳大量 I/O 点,具体而言,离散输入最多可容纳 1024 个点;1024 个离散输出;128 字节模拟模拟输入存储器和 128 字节模拟输出存储器。该模块可以管理每次扫描 128 字节的网络输入扫描和每次扫描 128 位输出的扫描。它的功耗为 250 mA @ 4VDC 和 10 mA @ 3.3 mA。

该IC200GBI001兼容各种控制器系统,因为以前的和现代的控制器平台都支持 Genius 协议。兼容的控制系统包括 90-70 系列和 PACSystem RX7i 和 PACSystem RX3i。必须将适当的固件版本加载到控制器和 IC200GBI001 Genius 网络接口模块。


Manufacturer: Emerson Automation/GE Fanuc (original)

Series: VersaMAx

Part number: IC200GBI001

Product type: Genius Network interface unit

Communication ports: Two (2) Genius terminals

Announcement: Integrated Circuit 200

Redundancy: Supported

Product type: Network interface unit

Description: The IC200EBI001 is the Genius Network Interface Unit (NIU) in the VersaMax Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) product family. The module is manufactured by Emerson Automation (formerly GE Fanuc). This module serves as the Genius slave module, hosting and controlling the I/O modules used to implement the distributed I/O architecture. It has two (2) Genius bus bus connections (upper end) and redundant terminals (lower end). It supports transmissions of up to 38.4 Kbaud and can accommodate up to eight (8) racks per rack. It supports 128 bytes of input and output per scan; 1024-point discrete input memory; 1024 bytes of discrete output memory; 128 bytes analog input memory and 128 bytes analog output memory.

Can accommodate a large number of I/O points, specifically, discrete input can accommodate up to 1024 points; 1024 discrete outputs; 128 bytes analog analog input memory and 128 bytes analog output memory. The module can manage network input scans of 128 bytes per scan and output scans of 128 bits per scan. Its power consumption is 250 mA @ 4VDC and 10 mA @ 3.3mA.

The IC200GBI001 is compatible with a variety of controller systems, as both previous and modern controller platforms support the Genius protocol. Compatible control systems include the 90-70 series and PACSystem RX7i and PACSystem RX3i. The appropriate firmware version must be loaded into the controller and the IC200GBI001 Genius network interface module.


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