


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

IC660PRD021 24 或 48 V 直流额定灌电流 I/O 模块

品牌 :GE发那科

系列 :天才I-O


产品类型 :24/48 伏直流灌电流块

电路 :16

24/48 伏直流输入阻抗:5.6 千欧姆

24 伏直流输入阻抗 :1.8 千欧姆

工作温度 :0 至 60 摄氏度

储存温度 :-40 至 100 摄氏度

处理时间 :1.7 毫秒加滤波器延迟



IC660PRD021  24 或 48 V 直流额定灌电流 I/O 模块


品牌 :GE发那科

系列 :天才I-O


产品类型 :24/48 伏直流灌电流块

电路 :16

24/48 伏直流输入阻抗:5.6 千欧姆

24 伏直流输入阻抗 :1.8 千欧姆

工作温度 :0 至 60 摄氏度

储存温度 :-40 至 100 摄氏度

处理时间 :1.7 毫秒加滤波器延迟


IC660BRD021 I/O 模块是 GE Fanuc 24 或 48 V 直流额定灌电流 I/O 模块。IC660BRD021 I/O 模块的应用包括与固态和机电型传感器一起使用。IC660BRD021 I/O 模块是一个 16 电路 I/O 模块。使用 24 伏直流电源时,当电压介于 0 和 8 伏直流电之间时,输入会打开,当电压介于 17 和 24 伏直流电之间时,输入会关闭。使用 48 伏直流电源时,当电压介于 0 和 16 伏直流电之间时,输入接通,当电压介于 34 和 48 伏直流电之间时,输入将关闭。24 伏和 48 伏直流电的典型输入阻抗为 5.6 千欧姆,仅 24 伏直流电的典型输入阻抗为 1.8 千欧姆。典型的输入处理时间为 1.7 毫秒加上可选的滤波器延迟时间。

IC660BRD021 I/O 模块支持多种输入诊断,包括开路、过热和故障开关诊断。IC660BRD021 I/O 模块有 16 个电路,每个电路可以配置为输出、输入或三态输入。控制电源来自连接到端子的 I/O 设备。不需要单独的电源块。推荐的储存和工作温度范围分别为 -40 至 100 摄氏度和 0 至 60 摄氏度。IC660BRD021 I/O 模块的振动额定值为 5 至 10 赫兹或 10 至 200 赫兹。IC660BRD021 I/O 模块与任何手持式显示器兼容。IC660BRD021 I/O 模块是开放式设备,需要安装在保护外壳内。安装块的区域应清除空气污染物。


Brand: GE Fanuc

Series: Genius I-O

Part number: IC660BRD021

Product Type: 24/48 V DC filling current block

Circuit: 16

24/48 VDC input impedance: 5.6 kilohm

24 volt DC input impedance: 1.8 kilohm

Operating temperature: 0 to 60 degrees Celsius

Storage temperature: -40 to 100 degrees Celsius

Processing time: 1.7 ms plus filter delay

About IC660BRD021

The IC660BRD021 I/O module is a GE Fanuc 24 or 48 V DC rated perfusion current I/O module. Applications for the IC660BRD021 I/O module include use with solid-state and electromechanical sensors. The IC660BRD021 I/O module is a 16-circuit I/O module. When using a 24 volt DC supply, the input is turned on when the voltage is between 0 and 8 volts DC, and turned off when the voltage is between 17 and 24 volts DC. When using a 48-volt DC power supply, the input is switched on when the voltage is between 0 and 16 volts DC, and the input is turned off when the voltage is between 34 and 48 volts DC. The typical input impedance for 24 volts and 48 volts DC is 5.6 kiloohms, and the typical input impedance for 24 volts DC alone is 1.8 kiloohms. The typical input processing time is 1.7 ms plus an optional filter delay time.

The IC660BRD021 I/O module supports multiple input diagnostics, including open circuit, overheat, and fault switch diagnostics. The IC660BRD021 I/O module has 16 circuits, each of which can be configured as an output, input, or three-state input. The control power comes from an I/O device connected to the terminal. A separate power block is not required. The recommended storage and operating temperature ranges are -40 to 100 degrees Celsius and 0 to 60 degrees Celsius, respectively. The IC660BRD021 I/O module has a vibration rating of 5 to 10 Hz or 10 to 200 Hz. The IC660BRD021 I/O module is compatible with any handheld display. The IC660BRD021 I/O module is an open device and needs to be installed in a protective housing. The area of the mounting block should be cleared of air pollutants.


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