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30V4060 交流驱动器 两侧和背面都有通风口

赫兹60hz30V4060是一款30马力的GV3000/SE交流驱动器。这是该驱动器的6.06版本,由Reliance Electric创建。Baldor Reliance和ASEA Brown Boveri也可能生产这种型号的驱动器,具体取决于其制造年份。这是一个传统系列驱动器,可能不容易找到。然而,AX Control仍在尽一切努力保持库存。



30V4060  交流驱动器  两侧和背面都有通风口


型号: 30V4060


系列 30V4060



输入电压460 VAC


赫兹60hz30V4060是一款30马力的GV3000/SE交流驱动器。这是该驱动器的6.06版本,由Reliance Electric创建。Baldor Reliance和ASEA Brown Boveri也可能生产这种型号的驱动器,具体取决于其制造年份。这是一个传统系列驱动器,可能不容易找到。然而,AX Control仍在尽一切努力保持库存。

30V4060是一种三相交流驱动器,具有在矢量和伏特/赫兹调节之间切换的能力。它重约32磅。它是360/460 VAC。它的最大输入安培为45,频率为60 Hz。它有40安培的交流输出。它有一个85千安的短路系统额定在460伏。

30V4060由NEMA 1型机箱包围。它不能用于外部应用,因为它没有防尘/滴漏外壳。它的两侧和背面都有通风口。有一个RS-232 9针母连接端口略低于键盘,是在面板的右上角。在面板的左上角是一个大的红色电源LED灯,当驱动器接收电源时发光。GV3000驱动器的30v4060型号底盘配备:



内置键盘标准与所有GV/3000 SE驱动器。键盘允许用户通过提供清晰的显示来读取位于调节器上的显示。所述调节器使用附在所述键盘上的支架连接到所述键盘。


Model: 30V4060

Manufacturer Reliance Electric

Series 30V4060

Component number 30v4060

30 horsepower

Input voltage 460 VAC

Keyboard/Display built-in keyboard

The Hertz 60hz30V4060 is a 30 HP GV3000/SE AC drive. This is version 6.06 of the drive, created by Reliance Electric. Baldor Reliance and ASEA Brown Boveri may also produce this type of drive, depending on the year of manufacture. This is a traditional series drive and may not be easy to find. AX Control, however, is still doing everything it can to maintain inventory.

The 30V4060 is a three-phase AC driver with the ability to switch between vector and volt/Hertz regulation. It weighs about 32 pounds. It's 360/460 VAC. It has a maximum input amperage of 45 and a frequency of 60 Hz. It has a 40 amp AC output. It has an 85 kiloamp short-circuit system rated at 460 volts.

The 30V4060 is surrounded by a NEMA Type 1 chassis. It cannot be used for external applications because it does not have a dust/drip housing. It has vents on the sides and back. There is an RS-232 9-pin female connection port slightly lower than the keyboard that is in the upper right corner of the panel. In the upper left corner of the panel is a large red power LED light that lights up when the driver receives power. The 30v4060 model chassis of the GV3000 driver is equipped with:

A large terminal strip with three terminal screws at the bottom.

There is a smaller terminal band at the top of the driver with five corresponding terminal screws

Built-in keyboard standard with all GV/3000 SE drives. The keyboard allows the user to read the display located on the regulator by providing a clear display. The regulator is connected to the keyboard using a bracket attached to the keyboard.


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