


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

3VWWZ036CD001 励磁控制系统 用于调整发电机的端电压和无功功率




3VWWZ036CD001 励磁控制系统  用于调整发电机的端电压和无功功率






3VWWZ036CD001 励磁控制系统  用于调整发电机的端电压和无功功率


3VWWZ036CD001 excitation control is an important part of generator control, mainly used to adjust the generator terminal voltage and reactive power, improve the stability of the power system. The main modes of excitation control include self-shunt microcomputer excitation regulator, static excitation and variable speed excitation. Among them, the self-shunt excitation controller is the most widely used method at present, which can realize automatic voltage regulation and automatic reactive power regulation. The structure of excitation control system includes generator end parameters, excitation regulation unit and rectifier unit, forming a feedback control system.

3VWWZ036CD001 excitation control system is mainly composed of excitation regulator, power rectifier unit, generator terminal voltage transformer, current transformer, excitation current sensor and other parts. Excitation regulator is the core of excitation control system, its function is to control the output of excitation power unit according to the input signal and the given regulation criteria, so as to adjust the terminal voltage and reactive power of the generator. The power rectifier unit is responsible for converting alternating current to direct current to provide exciting current to the generator. Generator terminal voltage transformers and current transformers are used to measure the terminal voltage and current of the generator, while excitation current sensors are used to measure the excitation current.

3VWWZ036CD001 The whole excitation control system forms a feedback control system, which continuously detects the output parameters of the generator and compares them with the set value, and adjusts according to the deviation value to achieve the purpose of automatic voltage regulation and automatic regulation of reactive power. At the same time, the excitation control system can also adjust the important parameters of the generator, such as reactive power, power factor and excitation current, and improve the stability of the power system.

In structure, 3VWWZ036CD001 excitation control system can be divided into hardware and software two parts. The hardware part includes various sensors, regulators and actuators, etc., while the software part includes control algorithms and logic operations. With the development of computer technology and control theory, the performance and function of excitation control system are constantly improving and perfecting.


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