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VMIVME-5565-110000332-015565 反射式内存节点卡

VMIVME-5565-110000332-015565  反射内存卡(Reflective Memory Card)是一种高速的实时网络,允许不同总线结构和不同操作系统的计算机以确定的速率分享实时数据。这种网络不仅具有严格的传输确定性和可预测性,而且具有高速、主机负载轻、软硬兼容性强、易于使用、可靠的传输纠错能力、支持中断信号传输等特点。



VMIVME-5565-110000332-015565  反射式内存节点卡


Abaco Systems / VMIC VMIVME-5565-110000反射式内存节点卡





产品系列:598-01-59 94-3347、5998015943347

VMIVME-5565-110000332-015565  反射内存卡(Reflective Memory Card)是一种高速的实时网络,允许不同总线结构和不同操作系统的计算机以确定的速率分享实时数据。这种网络不仅具有严格的传输确定性和可预测性,而且具有高速、主机负载轻、软硬兼容性强、易于使用、可靠的传输纠错能力、支持中断信号传输等特点。

VMIVME-5565-110000332-015565  反射内存卡是一种PCI设备,提供给用户128MB的读写空间。当一个节点有写入操作时,数据会自动通过光纤链路同步到所有节点。这一系列传输写入操作由硬件完成,两个节点间更新的延时为100ns级。

VMIVME-5565-110000332-015565  反射内存卡可以插在多种总线主板上,如PCI、CompactPCI/PXI、VME等,每个反射内存卡都占有一段内存地址。当网上任何计算机向本地反射内存卡写数据时,该数据和相应的内存地址被广播到网上所有其他反射内存卡并存储在相同的位置。


VMIVME-5565-110000332-015565  反射式内存节点卡


Abaco Systems/VMIC VMIVME-5565-110000 Reflective memory node card


•128mb memory

• Multi-mode fiber

Part number :VMIVME-5565-110000

Product series: 598-01-5994-3347, 5998015943347

VMIVME-5565-110000332-015565 Reflective Memory Card is a high-speed real-time network that allows computers with different bus structures and different operating systems to share real-time data at a determined rate. This kind of network not only has strict transmission certainty and predictability, but also has the characteristics of high speed, light host load, strong soft and hard compatibility, easy to use, reliable transmission error correction ability, support for interrupt signal transmission and so on.

The VMIVME-5565-110000332-015565 Reflex memory card is a PCI device that provides the user with 128MB of read and write space. When a write operation is performed on one node, data is automatically synchronized to all nodes through optical fiber links. This series of transmission write operations are completed by the hardware, and the update delay between the two nodes is 100ns.

VMIVME-5565-110000332-015565 Reflection memory card can be inserted on a variety of bus motherboards, such as PCI, CompactPCI/PXI, VME, etc. Each reflection memory card occupies a section of memory address. When any computer on the network writes data to a local reflection memory card, that data and the corresponding memory address are broadcast to all other reflection memory cards on the network and stored in the same location.

For a system with 30 nodes, the transmission time to all nodes through the network is only 30 microseconds, and the distance between nodes can reach 10 kilometers. With reflected memory, the node-to-node transfer time is typically 1 microsecond. Therefore, for large-scale distributed systems and real-time applications, reflective memory cards are a very effective solution.


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