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VMIVME-7750-740001-350-027750-740001-K 单板计算机

GEVMIVME-7750 单板计算机,或通常称为SBC,是把微处理器、存储器与接口部件安装在同一块印制板上的计算机。SBC是一个完整的计算机系统,完全包含在单个硅板上。每个SBC包含一个CPU、GPU、芯片组和I/O端口,这些端口都焊接在板上。



VMIVME-7750-740001-350-027750-740001-K  单板计算机


GEVMIVME-7750 是一款高性能的VWE单板计算机。该产品采用高效的英特尔处理器,配备了大容量的内存和存储,以及多种通信接口。其产品参数和规格如下:

·处理器:英特尔Core2 Duo处理器·内存:4GB DDR3 SDRAM


·通信接口: Gigabitl以太网、USB、串口、CAN总线


·尺寸:6Ux 160mm x 233mm

GEVMIVME-7750 单板计算机,或通常称为SBC,是把微处理器、存储器与接口部件安装在同一块印制板上的计算机。SBC是一个完整的计算机系统,完全包含在单个硅板上。每个SBC包含一个CPU、GPU、芯片组和I/O端口,这些端口都焊接在板上。

GEVMIVME-7750 SBC具有低功耗、高性能和高效率,简单集成、快速上市、承受极端环境、多样化I/O等好处,适用于嵌入式物联网和边缘计算任务。它们的尺寸和强大的处理能力使其成为坚固的边缘应用中的热门选择,在这些应用中,空间有限。

GEVMIVME-7750 单板计算机,或通常称为SBC,是把微处理器、存储器与接口部件安装在同一块印制板上的计算机。它的应用领域主要有以下几种:

- 嵌入式系统:SBC非常适合嵌入式系统,如智能家居、智能手表、智能手机、智能汽车等。

- 工业控制:SBC可用于工业控制系统,如制造自动化、能源管理、环境监测等。

- 医疗设备:SBC可用于医疗设备,如心电图机、监护仪、呼吸机等。

- 军事和航空航天:SBC可用于军事和航空航天系统,如无人机、导弹防御系统、卫星通信等。

- 物联网:GEVMIVME-7750 SBC可用于物联网应用,如智能城市、智能农业、智能物流等。

- 智能零售:SBC可用于智能零售系统,如自动售货机、POS机等。

- 边缘计算:SBC可用于边缘计算应用,如数据中心、5G网络、智能交通等。

总的来说,GEVMIVME-7750 SBC因其低功耗、高性能和高效率,简单集成、快速上市、承受极端环境、多样化I/O等特点,在各种应用领域中都有广泛的应用。

VMIVME-7750-740001-350-027750-740001-K  单板计算机


The GEVMIVME-7750 is a high-performance VWE single-board computer. The product is powered by an efficient Intel processor, equipped with a large capacity of memory and storage, and a variety of communication interfaces. Its product parameters and specifications are as follows:

· Processor: Intel Core2 Duo processor · Memory :4GB DDR3 SDRAM

· Storage :32GB SATA SSD

· Communication ports: Gigabitl Ethernet, USB, serial port, CAN bus

Operating temperature :-40°C to +85C

· Size :6Ux 160mm x 233mm

The GEVMIVME-7750 single-board computer, or SBC as it is commonly called, is a computer that has a microprocessor, memory, and interface components mounted on the same printed board. The SBC is a complete computer system, completely contained on a single silicon board. Each SBC contains a CPU, GPU, chipset, and I/O ports that are soldered to the board.

The GEVMIVME-7750 SBC features low power consumption, high performance and high efficiency, simple integration, quick to market, extreme environments, diverse I/O, and other benefits for embedded iot and edge computing tasks. Their size and powerful processing power make them a popular choice in rugged edge applications, where space is limited.

The GEVMIVME-7750 single-board computer, or SBC as it is commonly called, is a computer that has a microprocessor, memory, and interface components mounted on the same printed board. Its application areas are mainly as follows:

Embedded systems: SBC is ideal for embedded systems such as smart homes, smart watches, smart phones, smart cars, etc.

Industrial control: SBC can be used in industrial control systems such as manufacturing automation, energy management, environmental monitoring, etc.

- Medical equipment: SBC can be used in medical equipment, such as ECG machines, monitors, ventilators, etc.

- Military and Aerospace: SBC can be used in military and aerospace systems such as drones, missile defense systems, satellite communications, etc.

- Internet of Things: The GEVMIVME-7750 SBC can be used for iot applications such as smart cities, smart agriculture, smart logistics, etc.

Smart Retail: SBC can be used in smart retail systems such as vending machines, POS machines, etc.

Edge Computing: SBC can be used for edge computing applications such as data centers, 5G networks, intelligent transportation, etc.

In general, the GEVMIVME-7750 SBC is widely used in various application fields due to its low power consumption, high performance and high efficiency, simple integration, quick to market, extreme environment resistance, and diversified I/O characteristics.


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