


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

FCP280 RH924WA FOXBORO 高精度压力变送器

RH924WA FOXBORO高精度压力变送器是一款工业自动化领域的高精度温湿度一体化变送器,采用4-20mA/HART输出信号,外壳采用316不锈钢材料,具有IP66级防护等级,能够适应恶劣的工作环境。它还具有响应速度快、精度高、稳定性好等特点,同时具有自动校准功能。



FCP280 RH924WA FOXBORO 高精度压力变送器

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FCP280 RH924WA FOXBORO高精度压力变送器



。高精度压力测量。 4-20 mA输出信号·多种接口可选



·测量范围:0-10 kPa至0-100 MPa·准确度:+0.075%

·电源:24 VDC

RH924WA FOXBORO高精度压力变送器是一款工业自动化领域的高精度温湿度一体化变送器,采用4-20mA/HART输出信号,外壳采用316不锈钢材料,具有IP66级防护等级,能够适应恶劣的工作环境。它还具有响应速度快、精度高、稳定性好等特点,同时具有自动校准功能。


FCP280 RH924WA FOXBORO 相移键控(相移键控法(Phase Shift Keying)是一个数字调制传达以下信息的过程数据通过改变(调节)阶段常数的频率参考信号(the载波).调制是通过改变正弦和余弦在精确的时间输入。它被广泛用于无线局域网,射频识别(RadioFrequency ldentification)和蓝牙交流。

FCP280 RH924WA FOXBORO 任何数字调制方案都使用有限数量的不同信号来表示数字数据。PSK使用有限数量的相位,每个相位被分配一个独特的模式二进制数字。通常,每个相位编码相同数量的比特。每个位模式构成了标志由特定的相位表示。这解调器是专门为调制器使用的符号集设计的,它确定接收信号的相位,并将其映射回它所代表的符号,从而恢复原始数据。这要求接收机能够将接收信号的相位与参考信号进行比较,这种系统称为相干系统(称为CPSK)。

FCP280 RH924WA FOXBORO 需要一个复杂的解调器,因为它必须从接收信号中提取参考波并跟踪它,以便与每个样本进行比较。或者,可以相对于发送的前一个符号的相位来测量发送的每个符号的相移。因为符号是以连续样本之间的相位差进行编码的,所以这被称为差分相移键控(DPSK)。与普通的PSK相比,DPSK的实现要简单得多,因为它是一种"非相干"方案,即不需要解调器跟踪参考波。代价是它有更多的解调误差。

FCP280 RH924WA FOXBORO 高精度压力变送器

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FCP280 RH924WA FOXBORO High precision pressure transmitter

This product is a high-precision pressure transmitter, widely used in chemical, petrochemical, electric power, metallurgy, pharmaceutical, food, water treatment and other fields.

Product introduction

. High precision pressure measurement. 4-20 mA output signal · Multiple interfaces are available

. The explosion-proof rating reaches ExiallCT6

Technical specification

· Measuring range :0-10 kPa to 0-100 MPa· Accuracy :+0.075%

· Power supply :24 VDC

RH924WA FOXBORO High precision pressure transmitter is a high precision temperature and humidity integrated transmitter in the field of industrial automation, using 4-20mA/HART output signal, the housing is made of 316 stainless steel material, with IP66 protection grade, can adapt to harsh working environment. It also has the characteristics of fast response, high precision, good stability, and automatic calibration function.

Pressure transmitter is a device that converts pressure into pneumatic signal or electric signal for control and remote transmission. It can convert the physical pressure parameters such as gas and liquid felt by the pressure measuring element sensor into standard electrical signals (such as 4~20mADC, etc.) to supply secondary instruments such as alarm, recorder and regulator for measurement, indication and process adjustment.

FOXBORO FCP280 RH924YA Phase Shift Keying (Phase Shift Keying) is a digital modulation that conveys the following information about process data by changing (adjusting) the phase constant of the frequency reference signal (the carrier). Modulation is done by changing the sine and cosine input at a precise time. It is widely used in wireless LAN, RadioFrequency ldentification and Bluetooth communication.

FCP280 RH924YA Any digital modulation scheme uses a limited number of different signals to represent digital data. PSK uses a finite number of phases, each of which is assigned a unique pattern binary number. Typically, each phase encodes the same number of bits. Each bit pattern constitutes a flag represented by a specific phase. This demodulator is specifically designed for the set of symbols used by modulators, which determines the phase of the received signal and maps it back to the symbol it represents, thus recovering the original data. This requires the receiver to be able to compare the phase of the received signal with the reference signal, a system called a coherent system (known as CPSK).

The FCP280 RH924YA requires a sophisticated demodulator because it has to extract a reference wave from the received signal and track it so that it can be compared with each sample. Alternatively, the phase shift of each symbol sent can be measured relative to the phase of the previous symbol sent. Because the symbols are encoded in the phase difference between successive samples, this is called differential phase shift keying (DPSK). Compared to ordinary PSK, DPSK is much simpler to implement because it is a "non-coherent" scheme, i.e. does not require a demodulator to track reference waves. The cost is that it has more demodulation errors.


AMAT 0100-77037EPROPR9376/010-01 1配件螺丝
ABBPFEA111-65 3BSE050090R65 PROSOFT定制光盘
EMERSON VE3008TRICON4000093-310
B&WSQ-300I 8700700-006ABBIC695CPU315

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