


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

A4H124-24FX 以太网交换机 提高网络性能和安全性

A4H124-24FX 以太网交换机是基于以太网传输数据的交换机,它工作于OSI网络参考模型的第二层(即数据链路层),是一种基于MAC(Media Access Control,介质访问控制)地址识别、完成以太网数据帧转发的网络设备。



A4H124-24FX  以太网交换机  提高网络性能和安全性


A4H124-24FX 以太网交换机是基于以太网传输数据的交换机,它工作于OSI网络参考模型的第二层(即数据链路层),是一种基于MAC(Media Access Control,介质访问控制)地址识别、完成以太网数据帧转发的网络设备。

A4H124-24FX 以太网交换机的结构是每个端口都直接与主机相连,并且一般都工作在全双工方式。它能同时连通许多对端口,使每一对相互通信的主机都能像独占通信媒体那样,进行无冲突地传输数据。交换机在端口上接受计算机发送过来的数据帧,根据帧头的目的MAC地址查找MAC地址表然后将该数据帧从对应端口上转发出去,从而实现数据交换。交换机通常都有几个到几十个端口,实质上就是一个多端口的网桥。它的端口速率可以不同,工作方式也可以不同,如可以提供10M、100M的带宽,提供半双工、全双工、自适应的工作方式等。




A4H124-24FX Ethernet switch is a switch based on Ethernet data transmission, it works in the second layer of the OSI network reference model (that is, the data link layer), is a network device based on MAC (Media Access Control) address identification, complete Ethernet data frame forwarding.

The structure of the A4H124-24FX Ethernet switch is that each port is directly connected to the host, and generally works in full duplex mode. It can connect many pairs of ports at the same time, so that each pair of hosts that communicate with each other can transmit data without conflict as if they were exclusive communication media. The switch accepts the data frame sent by the computer on the port, searches the MAC address table according to the destination MAC address of the frame header, and forwards the data frame from the corresponding port to achieve data exchange. The switch usually has a few to dozens of ports, which is essentially a multi-port bridge. Its port rate can be different, the working mode can also be different, such as can provide 10M, 100M bandwidth, provide half duplex, full duplex, adaptive working mode, etc.

The main function of the A4H124-24FX Ethernet switch is port expansion. When the ports of network devices (such as routers and upper-layer switches) are insufficient, the ports can be expanded. Transmission distance extension, the use of switches between devices to extend transmission distance; Provides security protection, such as ARP spoofing defense and DHCP listening.

In general, the A4H124-24FX Ethernet switch plays an important role in computer networks, which can achieve efficient and fast data transmission, improve network performance and security.


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