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  • 1X00781H01L
  • 1X00781H01L
  • 1X00781H01L
  • 1X00781H01L
  • 1X00781H01L
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  • 1X00781H01L
  • 1X00781H01L
  • 1X00781H01L
  • 1X00781H01L

1X00781H01L 电源模块











数字输入和输出模块(/O 模块)每个PLC (可编程逻辑控制器)的关键元件。具体来说,它们承担着PLC的控制、通信和致动功能。但是数字I/O模块面临的挑战越来越多。这些挑战来自日益增长的灵活使用需求,以及在系统可靠性方面同时发生的激烈市场份额争夺战。不断变化的客户需求也是其中一个因素。 解决方案的IP保护和访问限制以及功耗和系统寿命在客户争夺战中发挥着决定性作用。安全方面同样变得越来越重要,特别是在控制驱动器方面。在当今竞争激烈的市场中,长期的经验是基本要素,简单、维护成本低以及数据访问安全等功能也是重点。

一: PLC模拟量输入模块(模拟量输入模块)又称A/D模块,将现场由传感器检测而产生的连续的模拟量信号转换成PLC的CPU可以接收的数字量,一般多为12位二进制数, 数字量位数越多的模块,分辨率就越高。

二: PLC模拟量输出模块。模拟量输出模块又称为D/A模块,把PLC的CPU送往模拟量输出模块的数字量转换成外部设备可以接收的模拟量(电压或电流)。模拟量输出模块所接收的数字信号般多为12位二 进制数,数字量位数越多的模块,分辨率就越高。而数字量模块就是检测外部开关量输入的状态。

三:数字量输入输出信号就是开关量信号,0或者1, 模拟量信号,有2种,电压或者电流信号,一般是 变送器传过来的信号,比如用压力变器检测水管压力,它会输出一个模拟信号4- 20ma或者0-10V的信号给PLC, PLC来进行数据处理,这便是数字量输入模块跟模拟量输入模块的区别了。在输入采样阶段,PLC以扫描方式依次地读入所有输入状态和数据,并将它们存入I/O映象区中的相应得单元内。输入采样结束后,转入用户程序执行和输出刷新阶段。在这两个阶段中,即使输入状态和数据发生变化,/O映象区中的相应单元的状态和数据也不会改变。因此,如果输入是脉冲信号,则该脉冲信号的宽度必须大于-个扫描周期,才能保证在任何情况下,该输入均能被读入。






The digital input and output module (/O module) is a key component of each PLC (programmable logic controller). Specifically, they undertake the control, communication, and actuation functions of the PLC. However, digital I/O modules face increasing challenges. These challenges come from the increasing demand for flexible usage and the fierce market share competition that is occurring simultaneously in terms of system reliability. The constantly changing customer needs are also a factor. The IP protection and access restrictions of the solution, as well as power consumption and system lifespan, play a decisive role in the customer competition. Security is also becoming increasingly important, especially in controlling drives. In today's fiercely competitive market, long-term experience is a fundamental element, and features such as simplicity, low maintenance costs, and data access security are also key.

1: The PLC analog input module (analog input module), also known as the A/D module, converts continuous analog signals generated by sensors on site into digital quantities that can be received by the CPU of the PLC. Generally, it is a 12 bit binary number, and the module with more digital quantity digits has higher resolution.

2: PLC analog output module. The analog output module, also known as the D/A module, converts the digital signals sent by the PLC CPU to the analog output module into analog signals (voltage or current) that can be received by external devices. The digital signal received by the analog output module is usually a 12 bit binary number, and the module with more digital digits has higher resolution. The digital module is used to detect the status of external switch inputs.

3: The digital input and output signal is a switch signal, 0 or 1. There are two types of analog signals, voltage or current signals, which are usually transmitted by the transmitter. For example, if a pressure transformer is used to detect water pipe pressure, it will output an analog signal of 4-20mA or 0-10V to the PLC for data processing. This is the difference between the digital input module and the analog input module. In the input sampling stage, the PLC sequentially reads in all input states and data in a scanning manner, and stores them in the corresponding units in the I/O image area. After the input sampling is completed, it enters the user program execution and output refresh phase. In these two stages, even if the input state and data change, the state and data of the corresponding units in the/O image area will not change. Therefore, if the input is a pulse signal, the width of the pulse signal must be greater than - scan cycle to ensure that the input can be read in any case.

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