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SLS1508 有底座 EMERSON 伺服驱动器 多功能模块


EMERSON SLS1508 有底座 是—款多功能模块,专为各种应用而设计。SLS1508设计紧凑,适合专业和个人使用。


 SLS1508 有底座 在PID参数进行整定时如果能够有理论的方法确定PID参数当然是最理想的方法,但是在实际的应用中,更多的是通过凑试法来确定PID的参数。



SLS1508 有底座  EMERSON 伺服驱动器 多功能模块

SLS1508 有底座 (2).jpg


型号:SLS1508 有底座 





EMERSON SLS1508 有底座 是—款多功能模块,专为各种应用而设计。SLS1508设计紧凑,适合专业和个人使用。


 SLS1508 有底座 在PID参数进行整定时如果能够有理论的方法确定PID参数当然是最理想的方法,但是在实际的应用中,更多的是通过凑试法来确定PID的参数。


  SLS1508 有底座 增大积分时间I有利于减小超调,减小振荡,使系统的稳定性增加,但是系统静差消除时间变长。


  在凑试时,可参考以上参数对系统控制过程的影响趋势,SLS1508 有底座 



  SLS1508 有底座 如果在比例调节的基础上系统的静差不能满足设计要求,则必须加入积分环节。在整定时先将积分时间设定到一个比较大的值,然后将已经调节好的比例系数略为缩小(一般缩小为原值的0.8),然后减小积分时间,使得系统在保持良好动态性能的情况下,静差得到消除。在此过程中,可根据系统的响应曲线的好坏反复改变比例系数和积分时间,以期得到满意的控制过程和整定参数。

 艾默生为DeltaV sIS增加了电子编组,SLS1508 有底座 将DeltaV安全仪表系统(SIS)的性能和可靠性与电子编组技术的安装灵活性和空间节省相结合。这种SIS产品极大地简化了SIS项目的设计、安装、布线和调试,同时增加了容量并减少了占地面积。基于以人为中心的设计(HCD)原则,逻辑解算器架构使用电子编组和CHARM技术来消除对传统编组的需要,从而简化了安装和调试过程。该系统可作为独立的SIS解决方案实施,作为DeltaV安装的一部分进行本地集成,或连接到任何DCS。这是帮助客户解决设计、实施和操作安全系统的复杂性的合乎逻辑的一步。CHARM technology大大减少了成功设计、安装和运行这些解决方案所需的步骤。

SLS1508 有底座  EMERSON 伺服驱动器 多功能模块

SLS1508 有底座 (2).jpg


Model: SLS1508 with base


One output power one frequency response one signal-to-noise ratio - total harmonic distortion one impedance

One sensitivity one size - Weight ## Application:


The EMERSON SLS1508 with a dock is a multi-functional module designed for a variety of applications. The SLS1508 is compact and suitable for both professional and personal use.

Please note that the above specifications and applications are subject to change and be sure to check before making any purchase decision.

SLS1508 has a base for PID parameter tuning. If there is a theoretical method to determine PID parameters, of course, it is the most ideal method, but in practical applications, more is to determine PID parameters by the method of trial.

Increasing the proportional coefficient P will generally speed up the response of the system, and is conducive to reducing the static difference in the case of static difference, but too large the proportional coefficient will cause the system to have relatively large overshoot, and produce oscillation, which will deteriorate the stability.

SLS1508 has a base to increase the integration time I, which is conducive to reducing overshoot and oscillation, so that the stability of the system is increased, but the system static error elimination time is longer.

Increasing the differential time D can accelerate the response speed of the system, reduce the overshoot and increase the stability of the system, but the system's ability to restrain the disturbance is weakened.

During the trial, you can refer to the influence trend of the above parameters on the system control process, and the SLS1508 has a base

For parameter adjustment, the tuning steps of first proportion, then integration and then differentiation are implemented.

First set the proportion. The proportional parameters are changed from small to large, and the corresponding system response is observed until the response curve with fast response and small overshoot is obtained. If the system has no static difference or the static difference is already small enough to allow, and the response curve is already satisfied, only the proportional regulator is needed.

SLS1508 has a base If the static difference of the system can not meet the design requirements on the basis of proportional adjustment, the integration link must be added. At the integer time, the integration time is first set to a relatively large value, and then the proportion coefficient that has been adjusted is slightly reduced (generally reduced to 0.8 of the original value), and then the integration time is reduced, so that the static difference is eliminated while the system maintains good dynamic performance. In this process, the proportional coefficient and integration time can be changed repeatedly according to the quality of the response curve of the system, in order to obtain a satisfactory control process and tuning parameters.

Emerson has added electronic marshalling to the DeltaV sIS, and the SLS1508 has a mount that combines the performance and reliability of the DeltaV Safety Instrumentation System (SIS) with the installation flexibility and space savings of electronic marshalling technology. This SIS product greatly simplifies the design, installation, wiring and commissioning of SIS projects, while increasing capacity and reducing footprint. Based on human-centered design (HCD) principles, the Logic Solver architecture simplifies installation and commissioning by using electronic marshalling and CHARM technologies to eliminate the need for traditional marshalling. The system can be implemented as a standalone SIS solution, integrated locally as part of a DeltaV installation, or connected to any DCS. This is a logical step to help customers tackle the complexities of designing, implementing and operating security systems. CHARM technology significantly reduces the number of steps required to successfully design, install, and run these solutions.


ABBCMA130 3DDE300411ABB5SHY3545L0011
ICS TRIPLEXT8111CBently3500/42M
WATL OWCLS216-10000000ABBAI04

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