


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

CSI2130 | 机械状态分析仪 | 实时观察设备的健康状态





产品净重:2.6 千克



CSI2130  | 机械状态分析仪 |   实时观察设备的健康状态





产品净重:2.6 千克



CSI 2130机械状态分析仪除了是工业优越的振动数据采集以外,还能够提供以下功能:上等振动分析、交叉通道分析、瞬态分析、现场动平衡、激光对中、电机诊断。路径数据、动平衡和激光对中数据等都可以直接上传到AMS设备健康管理平台用于分析和报告。AMS设备健康管理平台集成了多种预测维修技术到同一个数据库中,包括振动分析、油液分析、红外热成像、激光对中及现场动平衡。由AMS设备健康管理软件生成的报警可以自动输出到AMS组合:AssetPortolTM资产门户软件中,并与工厂的其他设备报警器集成在一起,工厂所有设备的健康状态可以一览无余。Plantweb管控网正是通过这些预测维修技术,提高工厂的有效性和可靠性CSI2130另一个有一无二的特色就是**的频率分析范围。运用艾默生获得砖利的低速分析技术(SST),分析仪能够**地测量低速旋转设备上的信号,而这些信号对其他分析仪来说是采集不到的。在另一方面,CSI2130也能够采集到*高的频率。它能够测量出现在许多工厂中的在线监控系统只扮演个停机保护的角色。如果将此类系统中的信号导入到CSI2130中,就可能在系统中添加预测功能,在重大故障来临之前发现并确认故障特征。由此生成的轴心轨迹图(如下图)能够确定诸如不对中和轴摩擦等问题。通过其趋势数据分析也能够帮助洞察发展中的裂纹和其它结构缺陷。高达80KHZ的信号。这些信号对于**诊断离心压缩机和其他高速旋转设备的状态信息来说是相当重要的。

Model: CSI2130

Category: Mechanical condition analyzer

Finish: New, not new

Stock: Yes

Net weight: 2.6 kg

The CSI2130 mechanical condition analyzer is the foundation for successful predictive maintenance. As a result, it is also a core technology for Emerson Machinery's condition management. The vibration data of the CSI2130 mechanical condition analyzer is uploaded to the mechanical equipment condition management system software of the AMS equipment management portfolio for data analysis and mechanical equipment status report. In the same system software, vibration data can be correlated with other forms of mechanical equipment condition data such as oil analysis and infrared thermal imaging, and the results generated by the analyzer can trigger the system to generate alarms in the Emerson PlantWeb digital architecture.

The CSI2130 mechanical condition analyzer is the foundation for successful predictive maintenance. As a result, it is also a core technology for Emerson Machinery's condition management. The vibration data of the CSI2130 mechanical condition analyzer is uploaded to the mechanical equipment condition management system software of the AMS equipment management portfolio for data analysis and mechanical equipment status report. In the same system software, vibration data can be correlated with other forms of mechanical equipment condition data such as oil analysis and infrared thermal imaging, and the results generated by the analyzer can trigger the system to generate alarms in the Emerson PlantWeb digital architecture. The same alarm information can also be seen in the Social Security information of the AMS device management portfolio for any plant operator with Internet access to observe the health status of the equipment in real time.

In addition to being the industry's superior vibration data acquisition, the CSI 2130 mechanical condition analyzer provides the following functions: superior vibration analysis, cross-channel analysis, transient analysis, field dynamic balancing, laser alignment, and motor diagnosis. Path data, dynamic balance and laser alignment data can be uploaded directly to the AMS device health management platform for analysis and reporting. The AMS Equipment Health Management platform integrates multiple predictive maintenance technologies into a single database, including vibration analysis, oil analysis, infrared thermal imaging, laser alignment and field dynamic balancing. Alarms generated by the AMS device Health management software can be automatically output to the AMS Portfolio :AssetPortolTM asset portal software and integrated with other device alarms in the plant, so that the health status of all equipment in the plant can be seen at a glance. It is through these predictive maintenance technologies that plant efficiency and reliability are enhanced. Another unique feature of the CSI2130 is the highest frequency analysis range. Using Amerson's Low-Speed Analysis technology (SST) from Brickley, the analyzer is able to measure signals on low-speed rotating equipment that are not available to other analyzers. On the other hand, the CSI2130 is also capable of picking up the highest frequencies. It is able to measure the online monitoring systems present in many factories that only serve as downtime protection. If signals from such systems are imported into the CSI2130, it is possible to add predictive capabilities to the system to detect and confirm fault characteristics before a major failure occurs. The resulting axis locus diagram (shown below) enables the determination of issues such as misalignment and axis friction. Analysis of its trend data can also provide insight into developing cracks and other structural defects. Up to 80KHZ signal. These signals are very important for diagnosing the condition information of centrifugal compressors and o

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