


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

  • CXP-544A-KOMS-A2
  • CXP-544A-KOMS-A2
  • CXP-544A-KOMS-A2
  • CXP-544A-KOMS-A2
  • CXP-544A-KOMS-A2
  • CXP-544A-KOMS-A2
  • CXP-544A-KOMS-A2
  • CXP-544A-KOMS-A2
  • CXP-544A-KOMS-A2
  • CXP-544A-KOMS-A2

KOKUSAI CXP-544A-KOMS-A2  控制板主板模块

  • 货号:

    科姆斯-A2 CXP-544A
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随着人口红利消失、劳动力成本上升,我国制造业的低成本优势正在逐步丧失。劳动力短缺、成本增加、产能过剩及全球经济的疲软制约了中国制造业的发展。据国家统计局公布的数据显示, 2015年我国规模以上工业增加值比上年增长6.1%,我国工业增速已由过去10%以上的高速转向10%以下的中高速水平。面对种种压力,自动化、智能化已经成为了我国工业发展的必然趋势。工业自动化涉及面广、产业链长, 国内市场近万亿。据德国I业4.0工作组统计,2012年中国自动化市场规模已达8000亿元,以29%的占比位居全球第一。在自动化程度提升和存量市场改造的双重驱动下,2015年 I业自动控制系统装置制造行业市场规模超过3500亿元。整个工业自动化行业的产业链中,上游为原材料, 要包括电元器件、电力电子器件和钣金结构件等。位居中游的则是智能控制系统,下游是应用行业,包括电力、冶金、电梯、机械等行业的应用。智能控制系统位于整个产业链的中游,期可被分为三个层次,即控制层、驱动层和执行层。控制层实现对任务的分析、处理和分配,如PLC、 DCS等;驱动层将控制层的任务进行解码,变成能被电机、阀门]等能够识别的信号,如变频器和伺服驱动器等;执行层则执行相应的任务,包括电机、阀门等。

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With the disappearance of demographic dividend and the rise of labor costs, the low-cost advantage of China's manufacturing industry is gradually losing. Labor shortages, increased costs, overcapacity, and global economic weakness have constrained the development of China's manufacturing industry. According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2015, the added value of industries above designated size in China increased by 6.1% compared to the previous year. China's industrial growth rate has shifted from a high speed of over 10% in the past to a medium to high speed level below 10%. Faced with various pressures, automation and intelligence have become an inevitable trend in China's industrial development. Industrial automation involves a wide range and a long industrial chain, with a domestic market of nearly one trillion yuan. According to the statistics of the German Industry 4.0 Working Group, the size of China's automation market reached 800 billion yuan in 2012, ranking first in the world with a 29% share. Driven by the improvement of automation level and the transformation of stock market, the market size of the I industry's automatic control system device manufacturing industry exceeded 350 billion yuan in 2015. In the entire industrial automation industry chain, the upstream is raw materials, including electrical components, power electronic devices, and sheet metal structural components. In the middle reaches are intelligent control systems, while in the downstream are application industries, including those in power, metallurgy, elevators, machinery, and other industries. The intelligent control system is located in the middle of the entire industrial chain and can be divided into three levels, namely the control layer, driving layer, and execution layer. The control layer realizes the analysis, processing, and allocation of tasks, such as PLC, DCS, etc; The driver layer decodes the tasks of the control layer into signals that can be recognized by motors, valves, etc., such as frequency converters and servo drivers; The execution layer performs corresponding tasks, including motors, valves, etc.

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