


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

3308/51-04-000-020-10-00-00 bently 接近传感器 振动监测

bently 3500本特利模块用于汽轮机、压缩机、风机、水泵、磨煤机、齿轮箱、电机等大中型旋转机械的振动监测,广泛应用于钢铁、电力、冶金、化工、石化等很多行业。

   Bently Nevada 330851-04-000-020-10-00-00接近探头具有不同的探头外壳配置,包括铠装和非铠装 1/4-28、3/8 -24、M8 X 1 和 M10 X 1 探头螺纹。反向安装 3300 NSv 探头标配 3/8-24 或 M10 X 1 螺纹。传感器系统的所有组件均具有镀金黄铜 ClickLoc 连接器。



3308/51-04-000-020-10-00-00 bently 接近传感器 振动监测


bently 3500本特利模块用于汽轮机、压缩机、风机、水泵、磨煤机、齿轮箱、电机等大中型旋转机械的振动监测,广泛应用于钢铁、电力、冶金、化工、石化等很多行业。

   Bently Nevada 330851-04-000-020-10-00-00接近探头具有不同的探头外壳配置,包括铠装和非铠装 1/4-28、3/8 -24、M8 X 1 和 M10 X 1 探头螺纹。反向安装 3300 NSv 探头标配 3/8-24 或 M10 X 1 螺纹。传感器系统的所有组件均具有镀金黄铜 ClickLoc 连接器。3300 NSv 探头设计用于密封探头***和外壳之间的压差。330851-04-000-020-10-00-00探头密封材料由 Viton O 形圈组成。


3300 XL NSv 传感器系统的主要用途是沉孔、侧视或后视限制限制使用标准本特利内华达 3300 和 3300 XL 5 和 8 毫米传感器系统的区域。它也非常适合小型目标应用,例如测量小于 51 毫米(2 英寸)的轴上的径向振动或小于 15 毫米(0.6 英寸)的平面目标上的轴向位置。


聚苯硫醚 (PPS) 探头***材料

AISI 304 不锈钢 (SST) 探头外壳材料

-30 至 351°F(-34 至 177°C)工作温度

氟橡胶 O 形圈

3300 XL NSv 接近传感器系统的一部分

该传感器由Bently Nevada制造,有多种型号,包括330851-02-000-040-10-00-05和330851-04-000-030-10-00-05。该传感器测量 0.5 Hz 至 1.0 kHz 频率范围内的振动,并提供与振动速度成比例的电压输出。该传感器用于各种应用,包括油膜轴承机器、速度测量和位置测量。本特利内华达传感器是一种振动传感器,可测量 0.5 Hz 至 1.0 kHz 频率范围内的振动,并提供与振动速度成正比的电压输出。330851-04-000-020-10-00-00该传感器用于各种应用,包括油膜轴承机器、速度测量和位置测量。本特利内华达传感器有多种型号,例如 3300 5 毫米接近传感器系统、3300 XL 8 毫米系统和 3300 XL 11 毫米接近传感器系统。330851-04-000-020-10-00-00该传感器对射频干扰具有高度免疫力,并提高了 RFI/EMI 抗扰度,使其更易于安装并降低了复杂性。传感器的 SpringLoc 接线板不需要特殊的安装工具,有助于更快、更稳健的现场接线连接。

3308/51-04-000-020-10-00-00 bently 接近传感器 振动监测


The bently 3500 Bentli module is used for vibration monitoring of large and medium-sized rotating machinery such as steam turbine, compressor, fan, water pump, mill, gearbox, motor, etc. It is widely used in many industries such as steel, electric power, metallurgy, chemical industry, petrochemical industry, etc.

The Bently Nevada 330851-04-000-020-10-00-00 proximity probes are available in different probe housing configurations, including armored and unarmored 1/4-28, 3/8-24, M8 X 1, and M10 X 1 probe threads. The reverse-mounted 3300 NSv probe comes standard with 3/8-24 or M10 X 1 threads. All components of the sensor system feature gold-plated brass ClickLoc connectors. The 3300 NSv probe is designed to seal the pressure difference between the probe *** and the housing. 330851-04-000-020-10-00-00 Probe sealing material consists of Viton O-rings.

The three parts of the system must have a consistent electrical length. The electrical length approaching the probe plus the electrical length of the extension cable must equal the electrical length of the preprocessor.

The main use of the 3300 XL NSv sensor system is to sink, side-view or rear-view limits to areas where the standard Bentley Nevada 3300 and 3300 XL 5 and 8 mm sensor systems are restricted. It is also ideal for small target applications, such as measuring radial vibrations on axes less than 51 mm (2 in) or axial positions on flat targets less than 15 mm (0.6 in).


Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) probe *** material

AISI 304 Stainless steel (SST) probe housing material

-30 to 351°F (-34 to 177°C) operating temperature

Fluorine rubber O-ring

Part of the 3300 XL NSv proximity sensor system

Manufactured by Bently Nevada, the sensor is available in a variety of models, including 330851-02-000-040-10-00-05 and 330851-04-000-030-10-00-05. The sensor measures vibration in the frequency range 0.5 Hz to 1.0 kHz and provides a voltage output proportional to the vibration speed. The sensor is used in a variety of applications, including oil film bearing machines, speed measurement and position measurement. The Bentley Nevada sensor is a vibration sensor that measures vibration in the frequency range 0.5 Hz to 1.0 kHz and provides a voltage output proportional to the vibration speed. 330851-04-000-020-10-00-00 The sensor is used in a variety of applications, including oil film bearing machines, speed measurement and position measurement. Bentley Nevada sensors are available in a variety of models, such as the 3300 5 mm proximity sensor system, 3300 XL 8 mm system and 3300 XL 11 mm Proximity sensor system. 330851-04-000-020-10-00-00 The sensor is highly immune to RF interference and has improved RFI/EMI immunity, making it easier to install and reducing complexity. The sensor's SpringLoc patch board does not require special installation tools, enabling faster and more robust field connections.


TRICON 4000103-510ICS TRIPL EXT8311

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