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3301/00-50-00 Bently 接近传感器 采用紧凑的导轨安装

3301/00-50-00它既可以采用紧凑的导轨安装,也可以采用传统的面板安装。当采用面板安装时,3301/00-50-00其安装孔位置与以前四孔安装的330.前置器相同。两种形式的安装基板均具有电绝缘性,不需要独立的绝缘板。30-前黑器抗无线电干扰能力强,即使安装在玻璃纤维防护罩中,也不会受到附近无线电信号的干扰。输出正比于探头端部与被测导体表面之间的距离的电压信号。它既能进行静态《位移)测量又能进行动态(振动)测量,330100-50-00主要用于油腆轴承机械的振动和位移测量,以及键相位和转速测量.830.江Smn系统是我们性能最先进的电涡流传感器系统,1008符合美国石油学会(《EI)为这类传感器制定的670标准〈第四版》。所有的830 2 8mn电涡流传感器系统都能达到规定的性能标准,并且探头、延伸电缆和前置器具有完全可互换性,不需要单独的匹配组件或工作台校准。



3301/00-50-00 Bently  接近传感器 采用紧凑的导轨安装


品牌: Bently Nevada

·产品编号: 330100-50-00

·产品类型: 3300接近传感器


·总长度选项:50 = 5.0米(16.4英尺)


装运重量:2 Kg



bently3300 红前置器330180-90-00/330180-91-00总长度和安装选项:

9 o9.0米(29.5英尺)系统长度,面板安装



3301/00-50-00它既可以采用紧凑的导轨安装,也可以采用传统的面板安装。当采用面板安装时,3301/00-50-00其安装孔位置与以前四孔安装的330.前置器相同。两种形式的安装基板均具有电绝缘性,不需要独立的绝缘板。30-前黑器抗无线电干扰能力强,即使安装在玻璃纤维防护罩中,也不会受到附近无线电信号的干扰。输出正比于探头端部与被测导体表面之间的距离的电压信号。它既能进行静态《位移)测量又能进行动态(振动)测量,330100-50-00主要用于油腆轴承机械的振动和位移测量,以及键相位和转速测量.830.江Smn系统是我们性能最先进的电涡流传感器系统,1008符合美国石油学会(《EI)为这类传感器制定的670标准〈第四版》。所有的830 2 8mn电涡流传感器系统都能达到规定的性能标准,并且探头、延伸电缆和前置器具有完全可互换性,不需要单独的匹配组件或工作台校准。

60 多年前,Don Bently 3301/00-50-00推出了他的第一款工业产品:涡流接近传感器。自取得这一成就以来的几十年里,我们的高质量接近传感器的质量和多样性不断发展,3301/00-50-00包括检测加速度、速度和压力存在的传感器。接近开关电平可满足各种感应距离需求。


我们行业领先的接近传感器解决方案在恶劣环境中提供卓越的性能和可互换性,适用选项完全符合 API 670 标准。以下是我们的接近传感器系统的一些优点:

降低成本 - 当您将我们的接近传感器用作全厂监控计划的一部分时,与保险、维护和计划外维修相关的成本将显着下降

增加收入 - 相反,当您将我们的接近传感器用作全厂监控计划的一部分时,收入将通过增加正常运行时间和生产质量而增加。我们的电感式传感器具有较长的使用寿命。

最大限度地减少计划外停机 - 您可以将计划外且代价高昂的停机转换为计划内、可管理的停机时间。

3301/00-50-00 Bently  接近传感器 采用紧凑的导轨安装


Brand: Bently Nevada

· Product Number: 3301/00-50-00

· Product type: 3300 proximity sensor

Made in the USA

· Total Length option :50 = 5.0 m (16.4 ft)

· Agency approval option :00= Not required

Shipping weight :2 Kg

Bentley precursors 3301/80-50-00 and 330180-51-00

It can be mounted with either compact rail or traditional panel mounting. When panel mounted, the mounting hole position is the same as that of the previous four-hole mounted 330 front.

bently3300 Red preprocessor 330180-90-00/330180-91-00 Total length and mounting options:

9 o9.0 m (29.5 ft) system length, panel mounted

919.0 m (29.5 ft) system length, rail mounted

Product options Description:

3301/00-50-00 It can be mounted with either compact rail or traditional panel mounting. When panel mounted, 330100-50-00 its mounting hole position is the same as the previous four-hole mounting 330. The preprocessor is the same. Both forms of mounting substrate are electrically insulating and do not require a separate insulating board. 30- The front black has strong radio interference resistance, even if installed in the glass fiber shield, it will not be interfered with nearby radio signals. Output a voltage signal proportional to the distance between the probe end and the surface of the conductor under test. It can carry out both static displacement measurement and dynamic (vibration) measurement, 330100-50-00 is mainly used for vibration and displacement measurement of oil bearing machinery, as well as key phase and speed measurement.830. Jiang Smn system is our most advanced eddy current sensor system. The 1008 complies with the American Petroleum Institute (EI) 670 Standard < 4th Edition for this type of sensor. All 83028 MN eddy current sensor systems meet specified performance standards and are fully interchangeable with the probe, extension cable, and front appliance, requiring no separate matching assembly or bench calibration.

More than 60 years ago, Don Bently 330100-50-00 introduced his first industrial product: a vortex proximity sensor. In the decades since this achievement, the quality and diversity of our high-quality proximity sensors have evolved, and the 330100-50-00 includes sensors that detect the presence of acceleration, speed and pressure. Proximity switching levels can meet various sensing distance requirements.

Today's high-performance eddy-current proximity sensors provide continuous condition monitoring information and trip monitoring machines when needed, 330100-50-00 to support proactive maintenance planning and mechanical diagnostics.

Our industry-leading proximity sensor solutions provide superior performance and interchangeability in harsh environments with fully API 670 compliant options. Here are some of the benefits of our proximity sensor system:

Reduce costs - When you use our proximity sensors as part of a plant-wide monitoring program, the costs associated with insurance, maintenance and unplanned repairs drop significantly

Increase revenue - Conversely, when you use our proximity sensors as part of a plant-wide monitoring program, revenue will increase through increased uptime and production quality. Our inductive sensors have a long service life.

Minimize unplanned downtime - You can turn unplanned and costly downtime into planned, manageable downtime.



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