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125744-01 BENTLY 机架接口模块 支持的专有协议用于配置机架



125744-01 BENTLY机架接口模块RIM (Rack Interface Module)是3500机架的主接口。它支持的专有协议用于配置机架和检索机械信息。该im必须位于机柜的1号槽位(靠近电源)。



125744-01 BENTLY 机架接口模块 支持的专有协议用于配置机架





125744-01 BENTLY机架接口模块RIM (Rack Interface Module)是3500机架的主接口。它支持的专有协议用于配置机架和检索机械信息。该im必须位于机柜的1号槽位(靠近电源)。

RIM支持兼容的bent利内华达外部通信处理器,如TDXnet、TDIX和DDIX。虽然RIM提供了整个机架通用的某些功能,但RlM不是关键监控路径的一部分,对整个监控系统的正常运行没有影响。每个机架需要一个RIM。对于三模冗余(TMR)应用,3500系统需要一个TMR版本的RlM。除了所有标准RiM功能外,TMR RiM还执行“监控通道比较”。3500tmr 125744-01 BENTLY配置使用监控器选项中指定的设置实现监控器投票。使用这种方法,TMR RIM不断比较三个()冗余监视器的输出。如果TMR RIM检测到来自其中一个监视器的信息不再在其他两个监视器的信息的配置百分比内,它将标记为


用于放置3500 125744-01 BENTLY机架在“运行”模式或“程序”模式。运行模式允许机架的正常操作,并锁定配置更改。程序模式允许机架的正常操作,也允许本地或远程机架配置。关键是



I/O继电器,或称映射区。 125744-01 BENTLY 它与PLC所能控制的I/O点数及模拟量的路数直接相关。  内部继电器数,有的称为标志位数,代表着PLC的内部继电器数。  它与I/O继电器区相联系着,有时与后者相联系进行处理。  内部继电器多,便于PLC建立复杂的时序关系,以实现多种多样的控制要求。  一般讲,内部继电器数比I/O继电器要多得多。

有的内部继电器还可丢电保持,125744-01 BENTLY即它的状态(ON或OFF)、PLC丢电后,靠内部电池仍予以保持。  再上电后可继续丢电前的状态。  保持继电器可增强PLC控制能力,特别对记录故障,故障排除后恢复运行,更显得有用。

定时器,可进行定时控制。  定时值可任意设定。  定时器有多少,设定范围有多大,设定值的分辨率又是多少,这些都代表定时器件的性能。

125744-01 BENTLY 机架接口模块 支持的专有协议用于配置机架



The Rack Interface Module (RIM) is the primary interface to the3500 rack.   It supports a proprietary protocol used to

configure the rack and retrieve machinery information.   TheRIM must be located in slot 1 of the rack (next to the  powersupplies).

The RIM supports compatible Bently Nevada external

communications processors such as TDXnet,TDIX,  and DDIX.  While the RIM provides certain functions common to theentire rack,  the RlM is not part of the critical monitoring pathand has no effect on the proper,  normal operation of theoverall monitoring system.   one RIM is required per rack.  For Triple Modular Redundant (TMR)  applications, the 3500system requires a TMR version of the RlM.   In addition to all thestandard RiM functions,  the TMR RIM also performs "monitorchannel comparison."   The 3500 TMR configuration

implements monitor voting using the setup specified in themonitor options.   Using this method,  the TMR RIM continuallycompares the outputs from three () redundant monitors.   lfthe TMR RIM detects that the  information from one of thosemonitors is no longer within a configured percentof theinformation of the other two  monitors, it will flag that the

monitor is in error and place an event in the system Event List.

Used to place 3500 rack in either“RUN" mode or "PROGRAM" mode.RUNmode allows for normal operation ofthe rack and locks  out configurationchanges. PROGRAM mode allows fornormal operation of the rack andalso allows for local or remote  rackconfiguration. The key can be

removed from rack in either position,allowing switch to remain in eitherRUN or PROGRAM positions.Lockingswitch in the  RUN position allows youto restrict unauthorized rack

reconfiguration. Locking switch inPROGRAMposition allows remoteconfiguration of a rack at any time.

I/O relay, or mapping area. It is directly related to the number of I/O points and analog quantity that PLC can control. The number of internal relays, some called marker digits, represents the number of internal relays of the PLC. It is associated with the I/O relay area, and sometimes with the latter for processing. There are many internal relays, which facilitate the PLC to establish complex timing relationships to achieve a variety of control requirements. In general, there are many more internal relays than I/O relays.

Some internal relays can also be lost to maintain, that is, its state (ON or OFF), after the PLC is lost, it is still maintained by the internal battery. After the device is powered on, it can continue to the status before power loss. Holding relays can enhance PLC control capabilities, especially for recording faults and resuming operations after troubleshooting, which is more useful.

Timer for timing control. The time value can be set arbitrarily. How many timers there are, how large the setting range is, and how much the resolution of the set value is, all of which represent the performance of the timing device.


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