


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

A06B-6100-H001 | 6 轴伺服驱动器

A06B-6100-H001 是一款 35 磅重的 CNC 自动化 Fanuc 系列 6 轴伺服驱动器,我们今天准备为您提供一款!这款 6 轴伺服驱动放大器单元由 Fanuc 在日本制造,额定输入为 200-230V,最大输出电压为 230V。



A06B-6100-H001  |  6 轴伺服驱动器


A06B-6100-H001 是一款 35 磅重的 CNC 自动化 Fanuc 系列 6 轴伺服驱动器,我们今天准备为您提供一款!这款 6 轴伺服驱动放大器单元由 Fanuc 在日本制造,额定输入为 200-230V,最大输出电压为 230V。这些产品在日本制造,专为商品生产、高级加工和 CNC 铣削使用而设计。它们提供 MRO Electric 的 1 年保修。我们还提供来自其他制造商的伺服放大器,例如西门子和 Control Techniques。

它是由较小的各种金属和塑料部件组成的整体组合,构成了这个 A06B-6100-H001,它被设计为更大的 Fanuc 机器人的一部分;这件作品最终是有用的,因为它是功能更强大的机器人的一部分。

作为 A06B-61 系列的一员,这款 Fanuc 伺服驱动放大器能够计算 6 轴。这是一个可以购买新零件、购买二手零件或修理零件的示例,如果它不能正常工作。




伺服驱动器将控制信号发送到放大器,放大器将信号放大到高功率,电机可以使用。放大器通过传感器接收信息,因此它可以知道它发送的当前命令正在造成什么影响,并根据反馈进行调整。因为这是一个 6 轴伺服驱动器,所以这是一个非常复杂的驱动器,因为它可以同时发送 6 个不同轴的控件,知道何时应该命令它们打开或关闭,必须以什么强度发送这些命令,以及如何接收与所有相关变量相关的反馈。

如何使用 A06B-6100-H001

导致电机中旋转器旋转的磁场在控制器的指挥下。该功能允许控制器发送信号命令,以改变导致旋转器移动的磁力的速度、运动和扭矩准则。所有这一切都是在伺服驱动器的帮助下完成的,例如 A06B-6100-H001。由于这种特殊伺服驱动器的功率和复杂性,它能够向放大器发送许多不同的消息,以转换为高压并发送到电机并从电机接收。

The A06B-6100-H001 is a 35-pound CNC automated Fanuc Series 6-axis servo drive, and we're ready to deliver one to you today! Manufactured by Fanuc in Japan, this 6-axis servo-driven amplifier unit is rated at 200-230V input and 230V maximum output voltage. These products are manufactured in Japan and designed for use in commodity production, advanced machining and CNC milling. They come with a 2-year warranty on the MRO Electric. We also offer servo amplifiers from other manufacturers such as Siemens and Control Techniques.

It is an integral combination of smaller various metal and plastic parts that make up this A06B-6100-H001, which is designed as part of a larger Fanuc robot; The piece was ultimately useful because it was part of a more powerful robot.

A member of the A06B-61 series, this Fanuc servo drive amplifier is capable of calculating 6 axes. This is an example of where you can buy a new part, buy a used part, or repair a part if it doesn't work properly.


The servo drive consists of two parts: it must have both a motor and a sensor for position feedback. Industrial robots like the A06B-6100-H001 are designed to fit perfectly, have high requirements, and can achieve complex processes. The robot must be able to accelerate and decelerate quickly and position itself precisely to achieve what it is programmed to achieve.


The servo driver sends the control signal to the amplifier, which amplifies the signal to a high power that the motor can use. The amplifier receives information through sensors, so it can know what effect the current command it sends is having and adjust based on the feedback. Because this is a 6-axis servo drive, it is a very complex drive because it can send 6 controls with different axes at the same time, knowing when to command them on or off, what strength to send those commands with, and how to receive feedback related to all the relevant variables.

How to use A06B-6100-H001

The magnetic field that causes the rotator in the motor to rotate is under the command of the controller. This feature allows the controller to send signal commands to change the speed, motion, and torque criteria of the magnetic force that causes the spinner to move. All of this is done with the help of servo drives, such as the A06B-6100-H001. Due to the power and complexity of this particular servo drive, it is able to send many different messages to the amplifier to be converted to high voltage and sent to and received from the motor.

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