


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

  •  190065A
  •  190065A
  •  190065A
  •  190065A
  •  190065A
  •  190065A
  •  190065A
  •  190065A
  •  190065A
  •  190065A

BENTLY 190065A 通用设备监视器



●型号:1900/65A - 1900/65A通用设备监视器

●电源选项:00- 18至36伏直流电

●显示选项:00 -不显示

●安装选项:01 - DIN导轨安装

●批准选项:00 -无





本特利内华达1900/65A通用设备监视器旨在持续监控和保护各种应用和行业中使用的设备。该监视器的低成本使其成为通用机器和过程的理想解决方案,可以从连续监控和保护中受益。1900/65A 提供 2 个传感器输入和 3 个温度输入。该软件可以配置每个传感器输入,以支持 2 线和 3 线加速度计、速度传感器或接近传感器。每个温度输入支持 E、J、K 和 T 型热电偶,以及 <> 线或 <> 线 RTD。1900/65A 提供 4 个继电器输出、20 个 1900-<> mA 记录仪输出和一个专用缓冲输出。用户可以使用<>配置软件配置继电器触点,使其根据任何通道或通道组合的正常、报警和危险状态打开或关闭,并在任何记录仪输出上提供来自任何通道的任何变量的数据。专用缓冲器输出可以为每个传感器输入提供信号。Modbus 网关选项允许监视器直接向任何 Modbus ® 客户端提供静态变量、状态、事件列表、时间和日期信息,包括分布式控制系统 (DCS)、监控和数据采集 (SCADA) 系统、可编程逻辑控制器 (PLC) 或系统 1 ® 软件。监视器使用内部计数器和 Modbus 客户端/主时间参考来生成时间和日期信息。用户可以通过订购1900/01通信升级来升级他们的显示器,而无需Modbus网关(请参阅订购信息部分)。1900/65A 支持通过以太网和软件可配置的 RS232/485 串行端口进行 Modbus 通信。1900/65A 支持可选的显示器/键盘,用于查看频道信息或进行细微的配置更改。这允许 1900/65A 作为独立包运行。如有必要,用户可以将显示器安装在距离显示器模块的最大距离 75 米(250 英尺)处。








The Bentley Nevada 1900/65A Universal Device Monitor is designed to continuously monitor and protect devices used in various applications and industries. The low cost of this monitor makes it an ideal solution for general-purpose machines and processes, which can benefit from continuous monitoring and protection. The 1900/65A provides 2 sensor inputs and 3 temperature inputs. The software can configure each sensor input to support 2-wire and 3-wire accelerometers, speed sensors, or proximity sensors. Each temperature input supports E, J, K, and T type thermocouples, as well as<>line or<>line RTDs. The 1900/65A provides 4 relay outputs, 20 1900-<>mA recorder outputs, and a dedicated buffered output. Users can use the<>configuration software to configure relay contacts to open or close based on the normal, alarm, and hazardous states of any channel or channel combination, and provide data from any variable from any channel on any recorder output. The dedicated buffer output can provide a signal for each sensor input. The Modbus gateway option allows the monitor to directly connect to any Modbus ®  The client provides static variables, status, event lists, time and date information, including distributed control systems (DCS), monitoring and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), or system 1 ®  Software. The monitor uses internal counters and Modbus client/master time references to generate time and date information. Users can upgrade their displays by ordering a 1900/01 communication upgrade without the need for a Modbus gateway (see ordering information section). The 1900/65A supports Modbus communication through Ethernet and software configurable RS232/485 serial ports. The 1900/65A supports optional displays/keyboards for viewing channel information or making minor configuration changes. This allows 1900/65A to run as a standalone package. If necessary, users can install the monitor at a maximum distance of 75 meters (250 feet) from the display module.

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