集成门极换流晶闸管IGCT (Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristor)有的厂家也称为GCT (Gate-Commutated Thyristor),即门极换流晶闸
5SHY4045L0001 3BHB018162R0001集成栅极换流晶闸管IGCT(Intergrated Gate Commutated Thyristors)是1996年问世的用于巨型电力电子成
半导体开关器件,具有晶闸管的通态特性及晶体管的开关特性。5SHY4045L0001 3BHB018162R0001由于采用了缓冲结构以及浅层发射极技术,
5SHY4045L0001 3BHB018162R0001 Integrated Gate Commutated Thyristors (IGCT) was introduced in 1996 for use in giant power electronics systems
A new type of power semiconductor device in the package. IGCT is a new type of high-power device based on GTO structure, utilizing integrated gate structure for gate hard drive, buffer layer structure, and anode transparent emitter technology
Semiconductor switching devices have the on state characteristics of thyristors and the switching characteristics of transistors. Due to the use of buffer structure and shallow emitter technology, 5SHY4045L0001 3BHB018162R0001,
As a result, the dynamic loss is reduced by about 50%. In addition, this type of device integrates a freewheeling diode with good dynamic characteristics on a chip, thus achieving the low-pass state of the thyristor in its unique way
The organic combination of voltage drop, high blocking voltage, and transistor stable switching characteristics
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