GV C703 AE01 3BHB045668R0002半桥驱动器旨在驱动以半桥配置堆叠在一起的功率晶体管。它们有两个通道:低侧和高侧。低侧是一个相当简单的缓冲器,通常与控制输入具有相同的接地点。而高侧则是经过精心设计且以半桥的开关节点为基准,从而允许使用两个N沟道MOSFET或两个IGBT。开关节点应该在高电压总线和电源接地之间快速过渡,从而让我们有机会以具有成本效益的方式利用与为低侧供电时相同的电源通过自举电路为高侧供电。为了传达输出应为高电平还是低电平,必须包含一个高电压电平转换器,该转换器的泄漏电流通常较小,只有几微安或更小。
These gate drivers fall into two categories: non-isolated gate drivers and isolated gate drivers. Most of the non-isolated gate drivers used to operate at high voltages are half-bridge drivers.
The GV C703 AE01 3BHB045668R0002 half-bridge driver is designed to drive power transistors stacked together in a half-bridge configuration. They have two channels: the low side and the high side. The low side is a fairly simple buffer that usually has the same ground point as the control input. The high side is carefully designed and benchmarked against a half-bridge switch node, allowing the use of two n-channel MOSFETs or two IGBTs. The switching node should make a quick transition between the high voltage bus and the power ground, giving us the opportunity to power the high side via a bootstrap circuit in a cost-effective manner using the same power supply as when powering the low side. In order to communicate whether the output should be high or low, a high voltage level converter must be included, and the leakage current of the converter is usually small, only a few microamps or less.
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