GV C703 AE01 3BHB045647R0004与频率为几十或几百兆赫的信号链或数字晶体管相比,传统高功率晶体管的频率上限只有几百千赫,随着新技术的出现,有可能会将该上限推高一个数量级。这种频率限制是由于增高的栅极电容和驱动电压要求造成的。电容器的能量等于1/2乘以电容再乘以电压的平方。栅极电容的充放电功耗等于电容器的能量乘以频率的两倍--一次充电,一次放电。具有15纳法栅极电容的功率晶体管在200千赫、12伏方波驱动条件下需要近半瓦的功耗。对于可传输3至5千瓦电力的转换器,提高开关频率所带来的好处,比如减小磁体的尺寸和重量,有时要比几瓦驱动损耗的成本更有价值。
GV C703 AE01 3BHB045647R0004 Compared to signal chain or digital transistors with frequencies of tens or hundreds of megahertz, the frequency limit of traditional high-power transistors is only a few hundred kilohertz, and with the advent of new technologies, it is possible to push this limit an order of magnitude higher. This frequency limitation is due to increased grid capacitance and drive voltage requirements. The energy of a capacitor is equal to 1/2 times the capacitance times the voltage squared. The charge and discharge power consumption of the gate capacitor is equal to the energy of the capacitor multiplied by twice the frequency - one charge, one discharge. A power transistor with a 15 nm gate capacitor requires a power consumption of nearly half a watt at 200 KHZ, 12 volt square wave drive. For converters that can transmit 3 to 5 kW of power, the benefits of increasing the switching frequency, such as reducing the size and weight of the magnet, are sometimes more valuable than the cost of a few watts of drive loss.
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