


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

GV C707 AE01 3BHB045647R0011 ABB 低电流的缓冲电

GV C707 AE01 3BHB045647R0011栅极驱动器是一个用于放大来自微控制器或其他来源的低电压或路低电流的缓冲电。在某些情况下,例如驱动用于数字信号传输的逻辑电平晶体管时,使用微控制器输出不会损害应用的效率、尺寸或热性能。在高功率应用中,微控制器输出通常不适合用于驱动功率较大的晶体管。



GV C707 AE01 3BHB045647R0011 ABB  低电流的缓冲电

GV C707 AE01 3BHB045647R0011.jpg




GV C707 AE01 3BHB045647R0011栅极驱动器是一个用于放大来自微控制器或其他来源的低电压或路低电流的缓冲电。在某些情况下,例如驱动用于数字信号传输的逻辑电平晶体管时,使用微控制器输出不会损害应用的效率、尺寸或热性能。在高功率应用中,微控制器输出通常不适合用于驱动功率较大的晶体管。

但是为什么要使用 GV C707 AE01 3BHB045647R0011微控制器来驱动功率晶体管呢?为了更好地回答这个问题,我们来考虑一下大型的应用。开关电源是几乎每一个现代电气系统的核心。任何插到壁式插座上的设备都可以利用开关电源来进行功率因数校正和生成直流电流轨。汽车系统使用开关电源来维持电池、马达和充电器等系统。电网基础设施要求高效率地转换直流太阳能电池板提供的开关电能,从而将电能传输到直流存储系统和交流电网。


GV C707 AE01 3BHB045647R0011高功率晶体管与GV C707 AE01 3BHB045647R0011模拟信号链或数字逻辑电路中的其他晶体管的特性几乎完全不同。功率晶体管的击穿电压的分布范围极大,从大约40伏到1,200伏甚至更高。由于需要实现较高的漏极电路和较低的导通损耗,漏源电阻需要低至几十毫欧姆甚至更小。与漏源电阻成反比的栅极电容通常超过10,000pF。栅极驱动电压和电流要求在很大程度上取决于晶体管结构和漏极电流额定值,其常见值在8至30伏和1至5安培之间。高噪声环境甚至可能需要双极输出驱动。


GV C707 AE01 3BHB045647R0011.jpg


GV C707 AE01 3BHB045647R0011 Gate driver is a buffer circuit used to amplify low voltage or low current from a microcontroller or other source. In some cases, such as when driving a logic level transistor for digital signal transmission, the use of a microcontroller output does not compromise the efficiency, size, or thermal performance of the application. In high-power applications, microcontroller outputs are generally not suitable for driving transistors with higher power.

But why use the GV C707 AE01 3BHB045647R0011 microcontroller to drive the power transistor? To better answer this question, let's consider a larger application. Switching power supplies are at the heart of almost every modern electrical system. Any device plugged into a wall socket can take advantage of a switching power supply to perform power factor correction and generate a DC current rail. Automotive systems use switching power to maintain systems such as batteries, motors and chargers. The grid infrastructure requires the efficient conversion of switching power provided by DC solar panels to transfer power to DC storage systems and AC grids.

Due to the large number of topologies and increasing complexity in applications, for high-power transistor arrays, modern switching power supplies often use microcontrollers or other ASics to coordinate their switches to meet precise switching timing requirements. This can pose a challenge because most microcontroller outputs are not optimized for drive power transistors.

The characteristics of the GV C707 AE01 3BHB045647R0011 High power transistor are almost completely different from other transistors in the GV C707 AE01 3BHB045647R0011 analog signal chain or digital logic circuit. The breakdown voltage of power transistors is widely distributed, from about 40 volts to 1,200 volts or more. Due to the need to achieve a high drain circuit and low on-loss, the drain-source resistance needs to be as low as tens of milliohm or even smaller. Gate capacitance, which is inversely proportional to drain-source resistance, typically exceeds 10,000pF. Gate drive voltage and current requirements depend heavily on transistor structure and drain current ratings, which are common between 8 and 30 volts and 1 to 5 amps. High noise environments may even require a bipolar output drive.














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