5SHY5055L0002 3BHE019719R0101 GVC736BE101 ABB 可控硅模块
ABB IGCT电源励磁器控制模块ACS 6000 5SHY5055L0002/3BHE019719R0101/GVC736BE101常用于高压逆变系统的非对称集成栅换流晶闸管,机械或过程自动化领域的安全应用而设计。实施和管理复杂安全解决方案的理想选择
ABB的IGCT具有不同的额定电压。4500 V和5500 V设备非常适合针对标准线路电压3300 V和4160 V
5SHY5055L0002/3BHE019719R0101/GVC736BE101 使用2级逆变器可实现敢达8MW的逆变器输出功率不对称4.5 kV HPT-IGCT(91毫米晶片直径),如图2所示。非HPT装置的曲线向较低频率变平是由于节省操作面积(SOA)限制。3电平逆变器甚至可以实现大约两倍的功率电平2电平逆变器的功率。因此,可以实现额定功率为10MW及以上的转换器,而无需并联和/或串联装置。
5SHY5055L0002 3BHE019719R0101 GVC736BE101 ABB 可控硅模块
IGCT ABB power exciter control module ACS 6000 5 shy5055l0002/3 bhe019719r0101 / GVC736BE101 used in the asymmetric of high voltage inverter system integration grid converter thyristor, mechanical or security applications and design in the field of process automation. Ideal for implementing and managing complex security solutions
ABB's IGCT has different voltage ratings. 4500 V and 5500 V devices are ideal for standard line voltages of 3300 V and 4160 V
5 shy5055l0002/3 bhe019719r0101 / GVC736BE101 using 2 level inverter can realize dare to 8 mw inverter output power asymmetry 4.5 kV HPT - IGCT (91 mm wafer diameter), as shown in figure 2. The curve flattening towards lower frequencies in non-HPT devices is due to the savings in operating area (SOA) limitations. A 3-level inverter can even achieve about twice the power of a 2-level inverter. As a result, converters rated at 10MW and above can be achieved without the need for parallel and/or series installations.
5SHY5055L0002 3BHE019719R0101 GVC736BE101 ABB 可控硅模块
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