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D201463 ACNC20 | 工业控制模块 可进行信号件的转换

型号:D201463  ACNC20




产品净重:2.8 千克

品牌: Metso



D201463  ACNC20  |  工业控制模块 可进行信号件的转换

型号:D201463  ACNC20




产品净重:2.8 千克

品牌: Metso

D201463 ACNC20 是 Metso 美卓公司生产的一款高性能工业控制模块。这款控制器模块设计符合工业级标准,能够在 -40°C 至 +85°C 的严苛工作温度区间内稳定运行,具有较长的使用寿命,一般为5-10年 。

它的核心部件是工业级微控制器(MCU),广泛应用于工业机器人、步进马达、机器手臂、仪器仪表、工业电机等多种产品 。

D201463 ACNC20 控制器模块可以根据现场输入信号的不同,分为开关量输入模块和模拟量输入模块。

开关量输入模块将各种开关信号转换为CPU所需的TTL标准信号,而模拟量输入模块则将连续变化的模拟量信号(如温度、流量、电流、电压等)转换成CPU能够处理的数字信号 。


数字输入输出通常为24V,模拟量输入输出则有电压型和电流型两种类型,包括0-10V、-10到10V以及4-20mA、0-20mA等 。



此外,该D201463通过了 IEC 61508 的 SIL2 安全电路认证,并且具有防爆功能,适用于防爆型环境中的应用。这些特性使其广泛用于需要高可靠性和安全性要求的工业环境。

Model: D201463 ACNC20

Category: Industrial control modules

Finish: New, not new

Warranty: One year

Net weight: 2.8kg

Brand: Metso

The D201463 ACNC20 is a high performance industrial control module produced by Metso. Designed to meet industrial standards, the controller module is capable of stable operation in the harsh operating temperature range of -40°C to +85°C and has a long service life, typically 5-10 years.

Its core component is an industrial-grade microcontroller (MCU), which is widely used in industrial robots, stepping motors, robot arms, instruments, industrial motors and other products.

D201463 ACNC20 controller module can be divided into switching input module and analog input module according to the difference of field input signal.

The switching input module converts various switching signals into TTL standard signals required by the CPU, while the analog input module converts continuously changing analog signals (such as temperature, flow, current, voltage, etc.) into digital signals that the CPU can process.

In addition, the types of PLC input and output modules include digital input DI, digital output DO, analog input AI, and analog output AO.

Digital input and output are usually 24V, and analog input and output are voltage type and current type, including 0-10V, -10 to 10V and 4-20mA, 0-20mA and so on.

In summary, D201463 has the characteristics of wide application range and high reliability.

The application areas of D201463 are mainly focused on industrial automation control systems, including intelligent manufacturing, robot control and automation equipment monitoring. Its core component is an industrial-grade microcontroller (MCU), so it is widely used in industrial robots, stepper motors, robot arms, instruments and industrial motors.

In addition, the D201463 is certified to IEC 61508 for SIL2 safety circuits and is explosion-proof for applications in explosion-proof environments. These characteristics make it widely used in industrial environments where high reliability and safety requirements are required.

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